Jennifer Marsh - Page 2

With a background in software engineering, Jennifer Marsh has a passion for hacking and researching the latest cybersecurity trends. Jennifer has contributed to TechCrunch, Microsoft, IBM, Adobe, CloudLinux, and IBM. When Jennifer is not programming for her latest personal development project or researching the latest cybersecurity trends, she spends time fostering Corgis.

TitanHQ Announces Partnership with 4ipnet

TitanHQ, the leading global provider of secure Wi-Fi solutions, has announced a new partnership with 4ipnet.

4ipnet is a global provider of affordable WLAN products and solutions to businesses, providing them with opportunities for value added services and the monetization of Wi-Fi networks. 4ipnet customer base includes businesses, educational institutions, healthcare organizations, and hotels around the world, with clients including Chunghwa Telecom, FLC group, Adrian Hoteles, Iberostar Hotels & Resorts, Berjaya Hotels and Resorts, and the PPHE Hotel Group.

TitanHQ is an award-winning provider of email and web filtering solutions which make networks safer and block a wide range of cyberthreats. TitanHQ’s SpamTitan and WebTitan suite of products have been adopted by schools, universities, colleges, hotels, banks, governments, ISPs, and SMBs in more than 129 countries around the world.

The partnership between 4ipnet and TitanHQ has seen 4ipnet accredited as a provider of Friendly Wi-Fi. Friendly Wi-Fi is a certification program for public Wi-Fi hotspot providers that confirms the Internet is filtered to prevent obscene material such as pornography from being accessed, and that all webpages included on the Internet Watch Foundations blacklist – webpages known to contain images of child abuse and child pornography – are blocked.

The Friendly Wi-Fi program was created by the UK Council for Child Internet Safety (UKCCIS) and is supported by the government and major Wi-Fi providers. The initiative was launched after concerns were raised of the risks to minors from accessing the Internet via public Wi-Fi networks that lacked the parental controls typically implemented at home. Any location that displays the Friendly Wi-Fi symbol has been confirmed as having appropriate controls in place to ensure the Wi-Fi network can be accessed safely and securely by minors.

4ipnet customers are now protected from a wide range of online threats, and can carefully control the Internet sites and web pages that can be accessed via their Wi-Fi networks. 4ipnet customers will also be able to market their Wi-Fi hotspots under the banner of Friendly Wi-Fi, ensuring customers are prevented from viewing inappropriate and illegal website content.

Gold Star SpamTitan Review in Recent Spam Filter Tests

New SpamTitan Review

Spam Filter Reviews, a website providing reviews of spam filtering solutions, has awarded TitanHQ’s SpamTitan with a glowing 4.9 gold star rating. The new SpamTitan review saw the product attract marks of 4.9/5 for both functionality and real-time emulation.

Each spam filtering product reviewed on the site is assessed on 18 different elements, with SpamTitan scoring highly on 16/18 of those elements.

The reviewers were particularly impressed with the ability to easily adjust scam scoring on all incoming emails, which allowed the spam filtering level to be fine-tuned to make spam filtering more aggressive or more lenient.

Another major plus was the ease at which quarantined messages can be checked. With any spam filtering solution, there will be false positives from time to time. Virus Bulletin reviews have shown SpamTitan’s false positive rate is particularly low – less than 0.03%. However, when legitimate messages do trigger the spam filter, checking those messages is straightforward.

In its review of SpamTitan, Spam Filter Reviews explained the ease at which quarantined messages can be safely viewed from the admin console. Users can view simple metrics such as the message date, recipient, envelope address, and message size, but also more detailed information using one of four different tabs.

SpamTitan lets users view the full HTML message, as well as the entire SMTP protocol header. If the email is genuine, users can quickly and easily release the message for delivery and whitelist the sender’s email address to ensure future messages are always delivered.

As Spam Filter Reviews points out, the ability to view the full body of a captured message is absent from many spam filtering solutions. This feature can save admin staff valuable time.

SpamTitan also rated particularly well on reporting. SpamTitan allows users to configure an extensive range of reports, providing users with all the information they need to measure inbound mail flow metrics. Spam Filter Reviews explained that many leading spam filtering solutions do not have such extensive spam reporting functionality. The ability to configure quarantine reports to show all messages since sign up or those captured since the last scheduled report was also praised, and found to be absent in many other spam filtering solutions.

Accessing the SpamTitan console was also found to be easy, regardless of the device being used. Since the control panel is full HTML, it can be easily accessed on mobile devices, while the admin console was found to be intuitive and easy to use.

Set up was also a quick and easy process, taking just 13 minutes. “13 minutes is extremely good considering the we had a previously MX record TTL of 5 minutes, so there is a reasonable likelihood that, if the domains TTL had previously been set to a lower TTL, the set up would have been even quicker.”

The only down point was the lack of link re-writing functionality, although due to the high degree of accuracy of the spam filter, this negative was somewhat mitigated.

Spam Filter Reviews’ SpamTitan review summarized the product saying, “All in all, SpamTitan is a very stable, clean platform with many additional features which makes an admin’s life a lot easier to manage user expectations,” also explaining “It is our comparative opinion that SpamTitan’s system is extremely under-rated as it’s clean, accurate and functionality full features certainly exceed and surpass some of the most well know Products on the market today.”

Strong Growth Continues at TitanHQ with Large Influx of New Customers

It has been a busy summer for TitanHQ. The company has been working hard to improve its award-winning cybersecurity solutions to offer even greater protection from the ever-increasing range of email and web-based threats.

TitanHQ has also been expanding its customer base and now protects an increasingly diverse range of companies from email and web-based cyberattacks. The summer has seen a swathe of new enterprise clients sign up and start using TitanHQ’s suite of cybersecurity products.

Many new enterprise customers have joined the TitanHQ community over the past few months, from SMBs to large organizations with thousands of employees. While each company has a different infrastructure and requirements, all share a common goal: A need to protect their employees, networks and data from cyberattacks.

TitanHQ would like to take this opportunity to welcome its new customers from the healthcare, hospitality, education, financial services and information technology sectors, a selection of which are detailed below:

European Hospitals Group

Cyberattacks on the healthcare industry have increased considerably over the past two years, with many large healthcare organizations falling victim to malware and ransomware attacks. Many of those attacks occurred as a result of employees visiting or being redirected to websites where malware is silently downloaded. Preventing employees from accessing malicious websites is an essential, yet often overlooked, aspect of cybersecurity.

The European Hospitals Group recognized the risk of malware downloads and decided to take action. The hospital group employs 1,800 people across two locations in the city of Brussels in Belgium: St. Elisabeth in Uccle and St. Michel in Etterbeek/European Quarter. The multilingual hospital offers excellent care for patients and now has excellent protection against web-based threats with WebTitan. WebTitan is used to carefully control the websites that can be accessed by staff, blocking web-based threats and preventing inappropriate website content from being accessed via its network.

US Beef Corporation

The hospitality sector has been extensively targeted by cybercriminals over the past year. Those malicious actors have attempted to gain access to sensitive customer data, commonly doing so via malware infections on POS systems.

US Beef Corporation is best known for its highly popular chain of restaurants: Arby’s. The first Arby’s restaurant was opened by US Beef Corporation in 1969. By 1995, the popularity of the restaurant chain saw it ranked as the 20th largest franchise in the United States. New restaurants continue to be opened and now the company has broken into the top ten franchises in the United States with 350 establishments, employing 7,500 members of staff.

US Beef Corporation recognised the need to protect its network from email- based attacks and prevent staff from falling for phishing attacks. US Beef Corporation chose SpamTitan Cloud as its anti-spam solution.

TitanHQ is now protecting the inboxes of all those employees from phishing and social engineering attacks and helps to keep the company’s network free from malware and ransomware.

Burlington Edison School District

There is growing pressure on schools and higher education establishments to implement technological solutions to restrict the websites that can be accessed via their wired and wireless networks. Children need to be protected online and prevented from accessing potentially harmful website content such as pornography and images of child abuse. Web filtering is also an important element of CIPA compliance.

The Burlington-Edison School District recognises the important of technological controls over acceptable Internet usage policies, and has chosen TitanHQ’s WebTitan to prevent inappropriate content from being accessed by its 230 staff and 3,900 students across 6 schools in Skagit County, Washington.

Miway Insurance

The insurance industry stores vast quantities of sensitive data on customers – a treasure trove of information for cybercriminals. Keeping that data secure and networks protected requires a range of cybersecurity controls.

Johannesburg, South Africa based Miway Insurance is a direct short-term insurance and financial services company offering a wide range of home and business insurance products. The company employs 3,000 staff members, the majority of whom require access to the Internet at work.

To protect against web-based attacks and prevent malware and ransomware downloads, Miway insurance chose WebTitan.  WebTitan is used to block access to malicious websites where drive-by malware downloads occur and to restrict access to unacceptable website content.

TNS Group

Stamford, CT-based TNS Group is a leading provider of managed IT support services in the Tri-State area and has clients throughout the United States and beyond. The firm was looking for a solution provider that could provide a spam filtering solution that could be easily offered to its customers to protect them from email-based threats.

Through SpamTitan Cloud, TNS Group can offer its clients an advanced spam filtering service to protect against phishing and social engineering attacks, malware and ransomware and keep inboxes spam free.

All the above companies have now had their TitanHQ products deployed and are protected from email and web-based attacks. If you are looking to improve your organization’s security posture and want to ensure your networks are kept malware free, contact the TitanHQ team today to find out more about the WebTitan web filtering and SpamTitan anti-spam solutions.

TitanHQ Attending Kaseya Connect Europe User Conference

The second annual Kaseya Connect Europe User Conference will be taking place in Amsterdam, Netherlands on October 3, 2017.

Kaseya is the leading provider of complete IT management solutions for managed service providers (MSPs). Its user conferences are hugely popular and provide more than just an opportunity to learn how to get more out of the company’s products. They offer an unrivaled learning opportunity that helps MSPs get the most out of their business, fuel growth and make significant improvements to their bottom lines.

Kaseya has now finalized its line-up of keynote speakers, sponsors and exhibiting partners for the event, which include industry and thought leaders and the top providers of solutions for MSPs to improve the services they provide clients and increase revenue.

Speakers for the event include Kaseya Chief Product Officer Mike Puglia, SVP – Managed Service Providers, Miguel Lopez, Chief Customer Officer, Alex Cuevas, EVP Global Product Services, Alan Davies, and Marwin Marcussen, Kaseya Sales Engineering Manager, EMEA.

Sue Gilkes, Faculty Member of CompTIA and Founder & Managing Director of Your Impact Ltd will be giving a keynote speech providing insights that will help MSPs boost revenue and grow their businesses. ‘Check-In Strategy Journal’ author, Adam Harris, will also be giving a keynote speech and will be offering important sales strategies for MSPs to help secure more contracts.

One of the main goals of the conference is to help MSPs monetize and develop their businesses, with the Amsterdam conference including a business track to help attendees do just that.  A technical track includes deep product dives to help MSPs get the most out of their Kaseya investments, with a host of instructional sessions that provide strategic insight along with practical knowledge to boost business growth.

Two hot topics that will also be covered at the Amsterdam Kaseya Connect Europe User Conference are the upcoming General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and cybersecurity. GDPR has major implications for MSPs in Europe and the compliance deadline is fast approaching. A session will take place at the conference to guide attendees through the steps they will need to take to ensure compliance.

Major global cyberattacks, malware and ransomware infections have dominated the headlines in recent weeks and help will be on hand to ensure MSPs can take advantage of the opportunities that exist while ensuring their clients are well protected.

TitanHQ is proud to be an Emerald sponsor for the event and will be showcasing its cybersecurity solutions for MSPs, giving product demonstrations and explaining the benefits of adding the solutions to MSP’s service stacks.

Attendees will have the opportunity of speaking to the TitanHQ team about WebTitan for Managed Service Providers – a powerful web filtering solution that allows users to carefully control the websites that can be accessed via wired and WIFI networks. WebTitan prevents inappropriate content from being accessed by employees and clients and provides essential protection from web-based threats such as exploit kits, phishing websites, and malware and ransomware downloads.

Protecting clients from email-based threats can save technical support teams countless hours. Attendees will be able to learn about the benefits of SpamTitan and how the solution can block email-based threats and keep MSP’s clients well protected from phishing attacks, malware and ransomware infections.

Kaseya’s conferences are hugely popular, offering an excellent learning opportunity to allow MSPs to make a significant improvement to their revenues. The Kaseya Connect Europe User Conference in Amsterdam is free of charge to Kaseya and non-Kaseya users, although registration for the event is required in advance.


m3connect Chooses TitanHQ to Provide WiFi Content Filtering in DACH

TitanHQ has announced a new partnership with m3connect, one of the largest wireless Internet service providers in Europe. TitanHQ’s cloud-based WiFi content filtering solution – WebTitan – is now being used to protect m3connect customers from malware and ransomware downloads, while carefully controlling the Internet content that can be accessed across its WiFi networks.

Since the company’s formation in 2001, m3connect has grown into one of the largest providers of wireless Internet in Europe, with the company operating from its European offices in Aachen, Karlsruhe, Berlin and Sibenik and in San Francisco in the United States. In addition to offering customers wireless Internet with a flexible network design, the firm provides a wide range of digital services including VoIP, VoD, location based services, guest infotainment systems and digital signage and serves clients in the finance, retail, hospitality, transport and healthcare industries.

Now the firm’s customers will benefit from secure WiFi access protected by WebTitan. WebTitan is a cloud-based web filtering solution that offers organizations precision control over the websites that can be accessed via their wireless networks. Customers can control content by category, keywords, and blacklists to prevent harmful and undesirable content from being accessed. WebTitan detects and blocks more than 60,000 malware iterations each day, with the solution particularly well suited for WiFi deployments in the retail, finance, hospitality and healthcare sectors.

WebTitan can be used to protect single WiFi hotspots or global WiFi networks through a single administration control panel, offering instant control of website content without any latency.

Organizations are increasingly choosing a secure, filtered Internet service to protect customers from web-based threats, although in the hospitality and retail sector it is becoming increasingly important to filter the Internet to prevent pornography and other undesirable content from being accessed by WiFi users. As Roland Heinen, Head of Retail Department, m3connect explains, “Providing a powerful security solution is key to save the brand reputation of our customers. Youth protection is mandatory in modern hotspot solutions.”

Commenting on the new partnership, Heinen said “The partnership with WebTitan is one more step in our successful retail strategy serving our customers with state-of-the art WI-FI hotspot, digital signage and infrastructure solutions.”

TitanHQ’s CEO Ronan Kavanagh said “We’re delighted to welcome m3connect and their customers on-board. This is a partnership that illustrates just how well suited WebTitan is to retail environments.”

Benefits of WebTitan Cloud for WiFi for WiFi Hotspot Providers

WebTitan Cloud for WiFi is an award-winning WiFi filtering solution for WiFi hotspot providers with highly granular control for precision filtering of Internet content. WebTitan Cloud for WiFi is a DNS-based filtering solution that has no impact on Internet speed, is quick and easy to implement, and effortless to manage. You can easily apply controls over across multiple access points to restrict access to inappropriate content and improve security for your customers.

With WebTitan Cloud for WiFi you can:

  • Filter the Internet across multiple WiFi hotspots
  • Create a family-friendly, safe and secure web browsing environment
  • Manage access points through a single web-based administration panel
  • Delegate management of access points
  • Filter by website, website category, keyword term, or keyword score
  • Block material contained in the child abuse image content URL list (CAIC List)
  • Upload blacklists and create whitelists
  • Reduce the risk of phishing attacks
  • Block malware and ransomware downloads
  • Inspect encrypted websites with SSL certificates
  • Schedule and run reports on demand
  • Gain a real-time view of internet activity
  • Gain insights into bandwidth use and restrict activities to conserve bandwidth
  • Integrate the solution into existing systems through a suite of APIs
  • Apply time-based filtering controls

WebTitan Cloud for WiFi is very competitively priced, with flexible payment terms, multiple hosting options, and industry leading customer support. If you want to carefully control the content that can be accessed on your WiFi network and protect your customers, give the TitanHQ team a call today