TitanHQ has announced that the latest version of SpamTitan (Skellig 9.07) has been launched, offering significant enhancements to improve detection, usability, and overall security. The new version of SpamTitan Skellig builds on previous versions that have been demonstrated to provide exceptional protection against malware, phishing, and spam, as evidenced by recent independent tests by VirusBulletin.
In Q3, 2024, SpamTitan achieved joint first place for overall score in the phishing, spam, and malware detection tests, and in Q4, 2024, performed even better beating all other industry-leading competitors to achieve the top spot with an overall score of 99.999%, including a malware and phishing catch rate of 100%, a spam catch rate of 99.999%, and a false positive rate of 0.000%, earning SpamTitan its third consecutive VPSpam+ award.
The latest release of the SpamTitan Skellig engine includes numerous security updates, including significant improvements with enhanced Domain and Display Name anti-spoofing protection and updated anti-spoofing screens. The settings for Domain and Display Name anti-spoofing have been separated to make it easier to see which features have been enabled and the update makes MSP’s lives easier as these split options are available at the customer level, so there is no need to drill down to each domain-level setting. The update will reduce the time that needs to be spent managing security defenses. Further, the update provides greater flexibility and control for inbox protection, since Display Name anti-spoofing is independent of user policies. That means it is possible to upload a custom list of Display Name/email pairs for more targeted protection. To improve usability, changes have also been made under the cover for Quarantine Reports to ensure they are delivered more reliably and on-time
TitanHQ is committed to making continuous security improvements to improve detection and simplify security management to make its products easier and less time-consuming to use, ensuring users have complete control of how protections are applied. The new version will be updated automatically for current users, and if you are yet to try our spam filtering service, give the TitanHQ team today for help getting you started with a free trial.