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Healthcare Industry Phishing Report: Greater Email Security Required

In the United States, healthcare industry phishing campaigns have been responsible for exposing the protected health records of well over 90 million Americans over the course of the past 12 months. That’s over 28% of the population of the United States.

This week, another case of healthcare industry phishing has come to light with the announcement of Connecticut’s Middlesex Hospital data breach. The hospital discovered four of its employees responded to a phishing email, resulting in their email account logins being sent to a hacker’s command and control center. In this case the damage caused by the phishing attack was limited, and only 946 patients had their data exposed. Other healthcare organizations have not been nearly so lucky.

Largest ever healthcare industry phishing attack suffered in 2015

In February, Anthem Inc., the second largest health insurance company in the United States, discovered it had suffered the mother of all healthcare data breaches. Approximately 78.8 million health insurance subscriber records were obtained by criminals in the attack. The breach did not occur in February, but months previously, with the hackers being allowed plenty of time to exfiltrate data.

Another U.S. health insurance company discovered it too had been hacked just a couple of weeks later. Premera Blue Cross similarly found out that hackers had gained access to its systems many months previously and had potentially obtained the records of over 11 million insurance subscribers.

Both security breaches were highly sophisticated in nature, but were discovered to have their roots in healthcare industry phishing campaigns. Employees had responded to phishing emails which ultimately allowed hackers to gain access to huge volumes of highly confidential healthcare data.

In 2014, Community Health Systems suffered a data breach that exposed the PHI of 4.5 million individuals in what was then the second largest healthcare data breach reported. That data breach had its roots in a phishing campaign sent to its employees.

Healthcare industry phishing attacks occurring with alarming frequency

In just 12 months, many healthcare providers and health plans have suffered at the hands of phishers. Some of the healthcare industry phishing attacks have been summarized in the table below:

Successful U.S. Healthcare Industry Phishing Attacks in 2015

Company Records Exposed
Anthem Inc. 78,800,000
Premera Blue Cross 11,000,000
CareFirst Blue Shield 1,100,000
Seton Healthcare 39,000
Saint Agnes HealthCare 25,000
Partners Healthcare 3,300
Middlesex Hospital 946
St. Vincent Medical Group 760


Cybercriminals attracted by easy targets and big rewards

In the United States, healthcare organizations and their business associates are covered by legislation which requires robust protections to be put in place to keep computer networks secure and patient health data safeguarded from attack. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) requires administrative, technical, and physical controls to be used to keep the Protected Health Information (PHI) of patients secure at all times.

Even though the industry is heavily regulated, the industry lags behind others when it comes to data security. Hackers often see healthcare organizations as an easy target. Their networks are complex and difficult to protect, and IT security budgets are insufficient to ensure that all of the appropriate protections are put in place to keep data secure.

On top of that, healthcare providers and health insurers store an extraordinary volume of highly sensitive data on patients and subscribers. Those data are much more valuable to thieves than credit card numbers. Health data, Social Security numbers, and personal information can be used to commit identity theft, medical fraud, insurance fraud, credit card fraud, and tax fraud. One set of patient data can allow criminals to fraudulently obtain tens of thousands of dollars, and the data can typically be used for much longer than credit card numbers before fraud is detected.

It is therefore no surprise that healthcare providers are such a big target. There are potentially big rewards to be gained and little effort is required. Healthcare industry phishing is therefore rife, and spear phishing campaigns are now increasingly being used to get busy healthcare employees to reveal their login credentials. Many of those campaigns are proving to be successful.

Industry reports suggest that the healthcare industry in the United States does not have sufficient controls in place to prevent against phishing attacks. A KMPG study conducted earlier this year showed that 81% of U.S. healthcare organizations had suffered cyberattacks, botnet, and malware infections. Other research conducted by Raytheon/Websense suggested that the healthcare industry in the United States suffered 340% more data breaches than other industries.

Healthcare industry phishing emails are not always easy to identify

Just a few years ago, a phishing email could be identified from a mile away. They contained numerous spelling mistakes and grammatical errors. Nigerian 419 scams were commonly seen and easily spotted. Malicious email attachments were sent, yet they could be easily identified as they were rarely masked. It is easy to train staff never to open an executable file sent via email.

Today, it’s a different story. Healthcare industry phishing emails are not always easy to identify. Malicious emails are crafted with a high level of skill, spell checks are used, subjects are researched, as are the targets. Links are sent to phishing websites that cybercriminals have spent a lot of time, money, and resources developing. Even a trained eye can have trouble identifying a fake site from a real one. The threat landscape has changed considerably in just a few years.

Sometimes healthcare industry phishing emails are so convincing that many members of staff are fooled into responding. Franciscan Health System is a good example. In 2014, a phishing campaign was sent to the healthcare provider via email. The scam was straightforward. Workers were sent an email containing a link and a good reason to click it. They clicked through to a website which required them to enter their login credentials. 19 workers reportedly fell for the campaign and revealed their email account login names and passwords. Contained in their email accounts were patient data. As many as 12,000 patients were affected.

What can be done to reduce the risk of phishing attacks?

There are a number of controls and safeguards that can be implemented to reduce the risk of healthcare industry phishing campaigns being successful, and multi-layered defenses are key to reducing risk.

Conduct Regular Staff Training

All members of staff should be trained on email and internet security, and told how to identify phishing emails and phishing websites. They must be issued with a list of best practices, and their knowledge should be tested. The sending of dummy phishing emails is a good way to check to see if they have taken onboard the information provided in training sessions.

Use Powerful Anti-Virus and Anti-Malware Software

Separate anti-virus and anti-malware solutions should be used and virus/malware definitions updated automatically. Regular scans of the network and individual devices should be scheduled at times of low network activity.

Employ Spam Filtering Software

Spam filtering solutions are essential. One of the best ways of preventing end users from falling for phishing emails is to make sure they never receive them. Powerful anti-spam solutions will block and quarantine malicious email attachments and prevent phishing emails from being delivered to end users.

Implement Web Filtering Solutions

Not all phishing campaigns come via email. Social media websites are often used as an attack vector and malicious website adverts can direct users to phishing websites. Implementing a web filter to limit the types of websites that users are permitted to visit can significantly reduce the risk of users falling for a phishing campaign. Web filtering solutions will also block access to known phishing websites.

Privileged Account Hacking: A Worrying New Hacking Trend

A recent study conducted by CyberArk has revealed that enterprises now face a high level of risk of privileged account hacking. In fact, the majority of enterprises are at risk of being hacked. Many companies are underestimating the risk, although IT professionals have long been aware of the danger of privileged account hacking.

The study suggests 88% of enterprise networks are susceptible to attack. A complete compromise of the corporate network is possible via 40% of Windows machines. The researchers predict that all it would usually take is for one privileged account to be hacked to allow the attackers to gain access to most accounts and systems. The researchers also determined that any enterprise that has Windows hosts is susceptible to attack via privileged account hacking.

To produce the report “Analyzing Real-World Exposure to Windows Credential Theft Attacks” CyberArk surveyed 51 organizations of varying sizes to determine the level of risk faced from privileged account hacking and the extent to which networks could be compromised should hackers manage to gain access to super-user and/or service accounts.

The results of the survey paint an incredibly worrying picture. The hacking of privileged accounts is not just a problem that must be dealt with by large corporations. Small to medium-sized businesses are also being targeted. Hackers are gaining access to their systems and are using them to launch attacks on their supply chain partners.

The privileged account hacking risk is often underestimated

Many organizations are not even aware how substantial the privileged account hacking risk is. An organization employing 500 individuals may have 1500 or more privileged accounts according to the researchers. The risk of attack is greatest with servers and lower with workstations. This is because servers can be used to gain access to a much wider range of systems and data than workstations. If any one server is compromised, attackers can use that machine for privileged account hacking and can gain access to many other Windows hosts on the network.

Attackers have months to analyze the network infrastructure and exfiltrate data

Mandiant recently estimated the median number of days for enterprises to discover their networks have been compromised is 229 days. The latest report from CyberArk also suggests a similar timescale for detection – placing the time frame at between 6 to 8 months. Once attackers have gained access to a network, they are exceptionally good at hiding and covering their tracks, and have months to browse the network.

How are hackers gaining access to privileged account login credentials?

In many cases, user credentials are stolen via phishing campaigns. Oftentimes, the attacks are highly sophisticated and highly targeted. Individual users are selected and a campaign is developed to fool them into visiting a malicious website and downloading malware or opening an infected email attachment.

Information about the target is obtained via social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn. Their contacts are identified, and a phishing email is either sent from a hacked colleagues account or is masked to make it appear that it has been sent from a trusted individual.

All too often a sophisticated attack is not necessary. If malware can be installed on just one single computer, shared-privilege accounts can be used to gain access to a wide range of systems.

What can enterprises do to protect their networks from privileged account hacking?

Protecting against the hacking of privileged accounts is difficult. It is not possible to eliminate privileged accounts as they essential to the functioning of the business. Since these accounts cannot be eliminated, efforts must be made to make accounts more secure. Unfortunately, the management of privileged accounts is complicated and is difficult to automate.

A survey recently conducted by Dimensional Research/Dell highlights the extent of the current problem. 560 IT professionals were asked about privileged access management and 41% revealed that they did not use any software at all or rely on Excel or other spreadsheet software packages to manage their accounts.

Fewer than half of respondents did not log or monitor privileged account access. 23% did not have a defined account management process. 28% did not have a defined process for changing default passwords on new equipment and software. Passwords were also found not to be changed frequently. Only a quarter of organizations changed admin passwords every month.

Make it harder for networks to be compromised by privileged account hacks

In order to improve security and prevent  the hacking of privileged accounts, IT professionals should:

  • Develop a defined process for managing privileged accounts
  • Conduct a full audit of the network to locate all privileged accounts
  • Ensure all passwords are unique, complex, and very difficult to guess
  • Monitor and audit account passwords
  • Use different passwords for different systems
  • Change default passwords on all new devices and software
  • Change passwords at least once a month
  • Implement an automated solution to manage privileged accounts
  • Ensure that a full risk assessment is conducted and any security holes are plugged rapidly (Hours rather than weeks or months)
  • Conduct an audit of all suppliers and business partners to ensure they have sufficient security in place
  • Implement solutions to protect users from phishing and spear phishing attacks, such as anti-spam software with anti-phishing controls
  • Implement a web filter to reduce the probability of a user downloading malware to the network from malicious websites.

Fail to secure your login credentials, and privileged account hacking will not be only be a risk; it will be a reality.

Cryptowall 3 Ransomware Rakes in Millions

Cryptowall 3 ransomware is the latest incarnation of the Trojan that first appeared in the latter half of 2014. This variant was discovered earlier this year and it has been used to extort millions out of individuals and businesses.

The threat from ransomware is growing

Ransomware infections have been reported much more frequently in recent months. A fortune has already been spent undoing the damage caused. Unfortunately, since the malware is evolving, it can be difficult to block.

Cryptowall 3 ransomware is very similar to previous incarnations and operates in a very similar fashion. The problem is that the algorithm it uses to obfuscate the dropper, which is applied three times, differs from Cryptowall 2. This makes it harder to identify.

Cryptowall 3 ransomware employs multiple dropper files and contains a number of different exploits. Once initiated, code is injected into a new explorer.exe process which installs the malware while disabling system protections. Malicious code is then hidden in a new SVChost.exe process.

The malware collects a considerable amount of data from the host computer, obtains an external IP address, establishes a connection, and registers the machine with the hacker’s command and control center. A POST request is made and the main Cryptowall 3 thread is initiated.

Cryptowall 3 ransomware subsequently encrypts certain file types on mounted network drives and local drives using public-key cryptography. The key to unlock the encryption is only stored on the hacker’s server. The victim is then advised to pay a ransom to have the infection removed and files unlocked. Failure to respond will see files locked forever or permanently deleted.

Cryptowall 3 ransomware is spread via email spam

Cryptowall 3 ransomware is primarily, but not exclusively, spread via spam email. The email contains a zip file attachment which houses an executable file. If the executable file is run, it installs the malware on the host computer. Videos, text files, and images files are then encrypted with its RSA2048 algorithm. Users often have files created on the desktop instructing them how to unencrypt their computer. Once infected, users are given approximately 7 days to pay the ransom, which is commonly $500 in the form of Bitcoins (2.17).

There is no guarantee that payment will result in the encryption being removed, although oftentimes it is. Payment certainly does not mean all traces of the malware will be removed from the infected machine. Users are often allowed to decrypt certain files to prove that the criminals behind the campaign can actually make good on their promise.

Victims are usually given little alternative but to give into the hacker’s demands, unless they want to lose all the files that have been encrypted.

Millions have been obtained from Cryptowall 3 ransomware infections

Cryptowall 3 ransomware has spread rapidly and the malware has already claimed tens of thousands of victims. The malware was only discovered in January 2015, yet already the criminals behind the infections have managed to obtain an estimated $325 million in ransoms according to Cyber Threat Alliance (CTA) figures. The ransoms have been tracked via Bitcoin payments, although the system used to assess criminals’ profits is somewhat unreliable. The figure of $325 million has been confirmed, but the total profits from Cryptowall 3 ransomware infections could well be double that total.

Cryptowall 3 ransomware infections usually start with a phishing campaign. The phishing campaigns usually contain an attachment with an innocent looking name, such as “invoice” or “fax”.

Drive-by attacks have been known to install the malware. These take advantage of security vulnerabilities in browser plugins. Exploit kits such as Angler are also used.

Fortunately, it is possible to train employees to be more cautious and not to open file attachments sent from unknown individuals. However, the emails may appear to have been sent by a friend, relative, or colleague inside their company.

Training should be provided to employees and company-wide warnings issued. However, the best defense is to prevent the ransomware from being delivered to inboxes. If SpamTitan Anti-Spam solutions are implemented, Cryptowall 3 ransomware email spam will be blocked and quarantined. End users will then be prevented from accidentally installing the malware.

Holiday Email Spam Season is Upon Us

‘Tis the season to be jolly, but it is also the season for holiday email spam. Malware infections increase during holiday periods and this year is unlikely to be any different. Holiday email spam is coming, and it doesn’t matter whether you’ve been naughty or nice. If you do not take precautions, you are likely to receive a gift of malware this Christmastime.

Holiday email scams are sent in the billions at this time of year because of one simple fact: They work. People let their hair down over Christmas and New Year, but they also let their guard down. That gives online criminals an opportunity to get malware installed, fool consumers with phishing campaigns, and generally cause some festive mayhem.

Holiday email spam is now being sent: Avoid the Christmas rush and get your malware now!

Christmas week may see many people infected with malware, but the run up to Christmas can be even worse. As soon as the first decorations go up in the shops, holiday email spam starts to be sent. Email is commonly used to send malware.

Nasty malicious programs are masked as Christmas screensavers, phishing campaigns will appear as festive quizzes, and you can expect an African prince to need your assistance with a huge bank transfer. Don’t be surprised to find out that you have won a Sweepstake in a country you have never visited or that one of your online accounts will be hacked requiring you to receive technical support.

These and many more scams will be delivered in a wave of holiday email spam and, if you let your guard down, you may inadvertently fall for one of these often cleverly devised scams. Some of the latest phishing scams are incredibly convincing, and you may not even realize you have fallen for the scam and have become a victim.

Employers Beware: End users are especially gullible at this time of year

Everyone must be wary at this time of year due to the huge increase in spam email campaigns. Employers especially must take care as employees can be particularly gullible at this time of year. Their minds are on other things, and they are not as diligent and security conscious as they may usually be.

To make matters worse, each year the scammers get better and holiday email spam becomes more believable. If one of your employees falls for holiday email spam attack, it may not only be their own bank account that gets emptied. Phishing campaigns are devised to get employees to reveal critical business data or login credentials. The FBI has warned that business email is being targeted. In the past two years over 7,000 U.S. firms have been targeted and have suffered from criminal attacks. Those attacks initially target employees, and the festive season is an ideal time for a business email compromise (BEC) attack to take place.

Common Holiday Email Spam Campaigns in 2015

Send an email bulletin to your employees highlighting the risk that holiday email spam poses, and warn them that they may shortly start receiving phishing emails and other spam campaigns. They are likely to have forgotten how risky the festive season can be.

Business Email Compromise (BEC) Attacks

The FBI has already released a warning this year to organizations that perform wire transfers on a regular basis and/or work with foreign suppliers. They are being targeted by cybercriminals using sophisticated scams that start with the compromising of a business email account. Social engineering and phishing tactics are used to get employees to reveal their login credentials. Once access to bank accounts has been obtained by criminals, fraudulent transfers are made. Holiday email spam campaigns are expected to be sent targeting organizations and specific employees within those organizations. During the holiday period employees must be told to be ultra-cautious.

Holiday e-card scams

Holiday e-card scams are common at Christmastime. Criminals take advantage of the growing popularity of e-cards and send out spam emails in the millions telling the recipient to click a link to download their e-card. However, those links are sent to convince users to download malware to their computers. Any email containing a file attachment claiming to be an e-card is likely to be fake. The attachment may be malware.

Holiday-themed screensavers

Christmas and other holiday-themed screensavers are commonly downloaded by employees. These screensavers can be fun and festive, but may actually be malicious. Employers should consider implementing a ban on the downloading of screensavers as a precaution. Staff members should be warned that any .scr file sent in an email should be treated with suspicion and not downloaded or installed. Criminals mask attachments and the .scr file may actually be an executable file that installs malware.

Ashley Madison revelations and TalkTalk scams

A number of major data breaches have been suffered this year that have resulted in customer data being exposed. Criminals are threatening to expose personal data, especially in the case of Ashley Madison clients. Emails are sent threatening breach victims, informing them that they must pay not to have their data posted on the internet. Some criminals will be in possession of the data; other scams will be speculative. If an email is received, it is essential that professional advice is sought before any action is taken.

If you receive an email asking you to take action to secure your account after a company you use has suffered a data breach – TalkTalk for example – it is essential to only change your password via the official website. Do not click on links contained in emails. They may be phishing scams.

Free Star Wars tickets

You can guarantee that such a major event for moviegoers will be the subject of multiple email spam campaigns. Criminals would not pass up the opportunity to take advantage of the release of a new Star Wars film.

There are likely to be competitions aplenty, free tickets offered, and many other Star Wars spam campaigns in the run up to the release. This is the biggest movie release of the year for many people. Fans of the films are excited. They want to see snippets of the film, read gossip, and find out if Luke Skywalker will actually be in the new film. Many people are likely to fall for scams and click phishing links or inadvertently install malware.

Get prepared this holiday season and you can keep your computer and network spam and malware free. Fail to take action and this holiday time is unlikely to be jolly. Quite the opposite in fact.

Chimera Ransomware Raises Stakes to Get Victims to Pay Up

Criminals are increasingly using ransomware – Chimera ransomware for example – to extort victims. Ransomware encrypts certain file types with a powerful algorithm that cannot be unlocked without a security key. Unfortunately, the only person to hold that key is the hacker responsible for the ransomware infection.

Organizations and individuals that perform regular data backups can avoid paying the ransom demands and not face losing important files. If files are encrypted, they can be recovered from backups – provided of course that regular backups of critical data have been performed. Worst case scenario: Some data may be lost, but not a sufficient amount to warrant a ransom being paid.

Criminals are aware of this failsafe and have recently started to up the stakes. The criminals behind Chimera ransomware have been found to be using a new tactic to scare victims into giving into their demands. Even if a backup file has been made, victims can be easily convinced to pay the ransom. They are told that if the ransom is not paid, the files will be made public. Confidential information will be posted on darknet sites or listed for sale in online marketplaces.

Criminals Target Businesses and Encrypt Critical Files Using Chimera Ransomware

Hackers are known to send ransomware out randomly. The more computers that are infected; the more ransoms can be collected. Chimera ransomware on the other hand is being used more specifically, and small to medium sized businesses are being targeted. This stands to reason. An individual may not be willing, or able, to pay a ransom. Businesses are different. They may have no choice but to pay to have files unlocked. If data are posted online, the potential cost to the business could be far higher than the cost of the ransom.

How are computers infected with Chimera ransomware?

Spam emails are sent to specific individuals within an organization. Those emails contain innocent looking email attachments: the types of files that would commonly be received by the individuals being targeted. Business offers are sent, applications for employment, or invoices.

Attachments may not be opened or could be blocked by spam filters. To get around this issue, hackers often send links to cloud-storage services such as Dropbox. The user clicks the link and downloads the malware thinking it is a genuine file.

Once installed the malware gets to work encrypting files stored on local and mounted network drives. The user is not made aware of the infection until their computer is rebooted. In order to unencrypt files, the end user must pay the ransom. This is typically $500 in the form of Bitcoins.

It is not known whether hackers have acted on their threats to publish company data. Many businesses have been too scared to find out and have given in to the ransom demand.

How to protect your business from Chimera ransomware

There is no such thing as 100% protection from Chimera ransomware, but it is possible to reduce the risk of infection to a minimal level. Installing Anti-Spam solutions can prevent malware from reaching inboxes; however not all products offer protection from phishing links.

SpamTitan software on the other hand employs a powerful spam filter which uses dual AV engines to maximize the probability of malicious emails being caught. It also includes an anti-phishing module to protect against phishing links. If you don’t want to have to pay a ransom to recover your data, installing SpamTitan is the logical choice.

Are you protected from Chimera Ransomware? Would you risk the publishing of your business data or would you pay the ransom?

Beware of the New Electric Ireland Phishing Scam

If you live in Ireland, you may receive an email offering you a refund on your electricity bill; however, the email is not genuine. Scammers are targeting current and former customers of Electric Ireland hoping they will respond to the offer of a refund. By doing so they will receive no money. They will just have their bank accounts emptied.

The Electric Ireland phishing scam is highly convincing

The Electric Ireland phishing emails appear to be genuine. They give a valid reason for clicking on the link contained in the email, and have been well written. The link directs the recipient to a phishing website that looks genuine. Even the request made on the website is perhaps not unreasonable.

In order to receive the refund, customers must enter in their banking information to allow the electricity company to make a transfer. In order to confirm their identity, current and former customers must supply proof of identity. The scammers ask for a scan of customers’ passports.

Other reports indicate that some customers have been sent links to fake websites that require them to disclose their mobile phone numbers as well as security codes and passwords.

It is unclear how the scammers have obtained the email addresses of Electric Ireland customers, as according to the utility company there has been no security breach, and the database in which customer account information is stored remains secure. However, an audit is being conducted by the company’s IT department to determine if any individual has managed to infiltrate its network or has otherwise gained access to customer data.

A spokesman for the Garda has confirmed that many Irish citizens have already fallen for the Electric Ireland phishing scam and have reported that fraudulent withdrawals have been made from their personal bank accounts.

The Electric Ireland phishing scam is one of many highly convincing campaigns to have been uncovered in recent weeks. Online criminals have become more skilled at crafting emails and setting up malicious websites, and it can be difficult to determine whether a request is genuine or fake.

The Electric Ireland phishing scam may look genuine, but legitimate companies would not send emails requesting sensitive information of that nature to be disclosed over the Internet. It should also be noted that if a company has taken excess funds from a bank account to pay a bill, the company would be able to issue a refund directly to the same bank account. They would not require those details to be provided again – nor request copies of ID, mobile phone numbers, or passwords.

If any individual who has fallen for the Electric Ireland phishing scam they should contact their bank immediately and place a block on their account. This will prevent the criminals from making any fraudulent transfers. However, it may be too late for many customers to prevent losses being suffered.

To reduce the risk of falling for phishing scams, the best defense is to block spam and scam emails from being delivered. To do this a spam filter should be used, such as that provided by SpamTitan. SpamTitan Technologies Anti-Spam solutions also include an Anti-Phishing module to ensure all users are better protected from malicious websites when surfing the Internet.

Any time an email is received that offers a refund, it is ill advisable to click on an email link. Attempts should be made to contact the company directly by calling the number listed on that company’s website. The matter should first be discussed with the company’s customer service department. Never open an email attachment contained in the email, and never divulge confidential information over the internet unless 100% sure of the genuineness of the website.

Electronic Frontier Foundation Phishing Website Taken Down

Cybercriminals are using SSL certificates installed on fake domains to fool users into thinking that the websites are genuine. The websites often use names that closely resemble a well-known brand. We have previously reported that criminals have been using domains containing typos to obtain website traffic and fool the unwary; however, it is also common for domains to be purchased using a well-known company name with additional words added to the end.

Because the websites contain the brand name, many visitors will be fooled into thinking that the websites are genuine. This is even more likely if a website has a valid SSL certificate and displays a padlock next to the URL. This is seen as a sign by many consumers that the website is real. A SSL certificate can no longer be trusted. It is only one indication that a website is genuine. Many new websites are offered a free SSL certificate.

Electronic Frontier Foundation phishing scam brought to an end

One website that has been fooling visitors into thinking the site was official is believed to have been set up by the cybercriminals behind the Pawn Storm phishing campaign: A group of hackers known as APT28. The group, which has links to the Russian government, used the brand name of the Electronic Frontier Foundation as part of a phishing campaign.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation phishing campaign used a .org website with the domain name, ElectronicFrontierFoundation. The official site used by the company is also a .org, but just uses the company’s initials: EFF.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation phishing site was not used to obtain bank account or credit card details, instead it was used to spread malware. The fake site was discovered to contain malware that exploited a zero-day vulnerability in Java software.

Electronic Frontier Foundation was alerted to the existence of the website and issued a complaint to the UN’s World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) – an organization that helps protect the intellectual property rights of corporations. After assessing the compliant, WIPO ruled that Electronic Frontier Foundation was entitled to take control of the domain, which has been ordered to be transferred to the non-profit digital rights group. Once that happens, the site will no longer pose a threat and ownership will be transferred from an individual based in Bali, Indonesia.

Organizations believing their copyright has been infringed can attempt to claim a registered domain by following the Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy (UDRP) set up by ICANN. However, it can take a long time for the process to be completed. All the time that a fake domain is active it can result in a loss of income for the company concerned. Many customers or potential customers could have malware installed or be defrauded until the matter has been addressed and ownership of the website transferred.

In a case such as this, the domain name and SSL certificate made the website appear 100% legitimate, which no doubt resulted in many people having their computers infected with the malware.

BELCO Email Scam Warning: Bermuda Electricity Company Customers Targeted with Ransomware

Bermuda residents and holiday home owners have been put on high alert after a new BELCO email scam has been uncovered. A warning has now been issued by the company after some customers were targeted by scammers and were sent malware-infected emails from the company’s email domain.

BELCO, the Bermuda Electric Light Company Limited, supplies electricity to homes in Bermuda and is the only supplier in the British Overseas Territory. All individuals who own or rent a property on the islands are at risk of receiving a spam email that could potentially infect their computer, mobile phone, tablet or laptop with malware.

The type of malware sent in the spam emails is a form of ransomware. This type of malware is particularly nasty as it will allow the perpetrators of the campaign to lock files on an infected computer and potentially also on a business network to which the device connects. The malware delivered in the BELCO email scam can also cause corruption of computer files. The criminals behind the campaigns have designed the malware to give victims little choice but to pay the ransom.

Critical files are encrypted via the ransomware to prevent the user from gaining access. The only way of regaining access to the files is by restoring them from a backup or by paying a ransom to the criminals behind the campaign. Once a ransom has been paid, the criminals behind the BELCO malware attack will supply a security key that can be used to unlock the data. There is no guarantee that the security key will be provided once the ransom has been paid and it is conceivable that the criminals could continue to extort customers who give into their demands.

On a personal computer, files such as personal documents or family photographs could potentially be encrypted and lost. For business users the risk is even higher. Without access to critical files, all business could effectively grind to a halt. Even when a backup can be used to restore the ransomware-encrypted files, significant losses could be suffered. Performing a full restoration of data takes time and unless a backup was made just minutes before files were encrypted, some data will invariably be lost. Customers will also experience disruption to services while remediation takes place and systems are restored.

BELCO email scam uses legitimate company domain

The BELCO email scam uses a common technique to fool targets into installing malware on their devices. Criminals have been using email to deliver malware for many years, but they are now getting very good at creating highly convincing campaigns. It is becoming much harder to identify a spam email containing malware.

What makes this campaign particularly convincing is the emails appear to have been sent from the BELCO.bm domain. Even an individual who has adopted email security best practices, such as checking the sender’s address before opening an attachment, may be fooled into installing the malware contained in the email.

The email informs the recipient of an unpaid electricity bill and includes a warning that electricity will be cut off if the bill is not paid promptly. In order to find out how much money needs to be paid customers are required to open the attachment. Doing so will result in the malware being installed.

The email was sent from the address billerz @belco.bm. The domain is correct, although there is no official billerz address used by the electricity company. A warning sent to customers advises that any legitimate bill sent by the company will come from ebilladmin @belco.bm.

Simply receiving the email will not infect a computer but it is imperative that the attachment is not opened under any circumstances. Any customer receiving the email should delete it immediately from their inbox or spam folder. They should then ensure it is also deleted from their deleted email folder.

Identifying spam and scam emails

The BELCO email scam is convincing. It could easily pass for a genuine email if the recipient of the email is not particularly security conscious. There are tell-tale signs that it is a fake.

  • The email address differs from the one usually used by the company to send electronic electricity bills
  • There is a threat contained in the email – Immediate action is required to avoid unpleasant consequences
  • Insufficient information is included in the email body, requiring the user to open an attachment
  • The email address contains an odd spelling not typically used by a reputable company – billerz

Individuals, and especially companies, should consider implementing additional controls to prevent emails such as this from being delivered. Using a spam filtering solution will prevent the vast majority of spam and scam emails from being delivered. As more phishing and spam emails are being sent, and the perpetrators are becoming more skilled at creating convincing campaigns, this is one of the best defenses to prevent accidental malware infection. The cost of an Anti-Spam solution will be considerably less than the cost of a ransom to unlock vital data.

New Email Money Transfer Scam Uncovered in the UK

UK workers are being targeted with a new email money transfer scam, according to a new police intelligence report. The current threat level has been deemed to be high enough to warrant a warning being issued by Financial Fraud Action UK to alert UK employees to the risk of attack.

Rather than the campaign being sent in mass email spam mailings, individuals are being targeted by criminals using a new spear phishing campaign that attempts to fool users into making a transfer from their personal account in order to secure an important work contract, or help resolve an urgent work issue.

The highly convincing scam involves the sending of emails to individuals in a particular organization that is being targeted. The perpetrators of the campaign have masked the email address of the sender, making it appear as if the email has actually been sent by their boss, a work colleague, or member of the accounts department. In some cases, the emails have actually been sent from a real account.

Email money transfer scam conducted in two separate attacks

Criminals first compromise an email account in the organization under attack by gaining access to an individual’s login credentials using a separate phishing campaign or by hacking passwords. Criminals have been able to gather a large amount of data on individuals via social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. That information is subsequently used to craft convincing email campaigns to fool their targets into revealing sensitive information to gain access to their email accounts.

Those accounts are then used to send email requests to other individuals within the organization asking for a bank transfer to be made. The requests are out of the ordinary but, as explained in the scam emails, the payments are critical to the running of the business. Once a transfer has been made, the money is rapidly withdrawn from the scammer’s account. Victims are left with little recourse to get their money back.

The email money transfer scam has proved to be particularly effective. Employees see that the email has been sent by a manager and out of a sense of duty, or fear of job loss, they respond without first checking the genuineness of the email. Oftentimes, the perpetrators of the crime have sent emails from senior managers and partners’ accounts. An employee lower down the ladder would typically not usually have direct contact with these people, lessening the chance of them contacting that person directly to validate the request. Contact information is often provided in the email that will put the target in direct contact with the scammer, who will then validate the request.

Senior managers and partners are the initial targets in this new email money transfer scam. Criminals attempt to fool them into revealing their login credentials. Employees are the secondary targets who actually arrange the transfers to the fraudsters’ accounts. Both groups of individuals should be warned of the risk, and measures should be implemented to reduce the risk of the phishing campaigns being delivered.

To protect against the first attack made by the perpetrators of this email money transfer scam, it is recommended that companies make the following changes to improve security:

  • Issue alerts to their employees, including senior managers, warning of the latest wave of phishing campaigns to put them on high alert.
  • Enforce changes to email account passwords, ensuring that only secure passwords are used. Stipulate a minimum of 8 characters, force the use of special characters (!,”,£,$,%,^,&,*,(, or ) for example), and ensure that at least one capital letter and number is included.
  • Purchase a robust Anti-Spam filtering solution to prevent phishing emails from being delivered to employee’s inboxes. SpamTitan also includes an Anti-Phishing module that can provide additional protection against complex campaigns such as this.
  • Ensure that all Anti-Virus software has virus definitions updated on a daily basis
  • Scammers often attempt to obtain login credentials by fooling targets into visiting a link to a malicious website containing malware. The sites may contain malicious code that probes for weaknesses in the target’s browser. The attackers then use SQL injection techniques to exploit software vulnerabilities and install keyloggers to obtain passwords. Anti-Phishing software can block these sites, providing protection even if an email link is clicked.
  • Security vulnerability scans should be conducted regularly. Updates may be issued regularly so daily checks should be conducted. A scan may reveal a critical Windows 10 security update is required, or Oracle, Chrome, Firefox, Skype, or Adobe Flash may need to be updated.
  • Inform employees of the company’s processes for requesting payments via bank transfers and confirm that under no circumstances would an employee receive a request via email to make a transfer to a senior manager or partner.

Protecting end users from becoming victims of an email money transfer scam

End users should also be informed about the correct actions to take when receiving email requests:

  • This email money transfer scam relies on the user being fooled into thinking the email has been sent from a manager’s account. End users should check the email address used to make sure it has been sent from a company account, but to be wary that an email could have been hijacked.
  • To contact the person who has made the request directly. Since email accounts may have been compromised, this should be done via telephone using the company switchboard or direct deal numbers, not the telephone numbers supplied in the email.
  • To exercise extreme caution when receiving any request which appears to be out of the ordinary, especially when that request involves making a bank transfer or requests that sensitive information is disclosed.
  • To read any email carefully, and then re-read it to identify spelling errors, grammatical mistakes or language that would be out of keeping with an email typically sent by that individual.

New DRIDEX Malware Email Scam Uncovered

A new DRIDEX email scam has been discovered that has prompted an angry reaction from Swedish furniture retailer Ikea. The criminals behind the malware have targeted Ikea customers by sending fake emails encouraging them to open a DRIDEX-infected email attachment. It has been estimated that hundreds of thousands of emails have been sent in the past few days alone.

As is common with spam emails, users are not specifically targeted. Instead the senders of the emails rely on volume. This is why targeting a retailer the size of Ikea is particularly effective. The chances of an email arriving in the inbox of a customer is relatively high in Europe. Many individuals regularly visit IKEA or have done so in the past.

What is particularly worrying about this campaign is the fact the emails look genuine. They contain an attachment which appears to be a purchase receipt from IKEA. The receipt looks exactly the same as one supplied by the store.

IKEA is concerned that the spam emails will tarnish the company’s reputation, even though there is nothing the company could have done to prevent the campaign from being launched. The advice provided is not to open any attachments in emails that appear to have been sent by the furniture retailer.

What is DRIDEX Malware?

DRIDEX is a nasty malware designed to steal online banking login names and passwords, and is a new variant of CRIDEX: A known form of malware with a worm and Trojan variant (W32.Cridex and Trojan.Cridex). The new form of the Cridex malware achieves its objective via HTML injection. This is a technique used by hackers to inject code to exploit vulnerabilities in popular applications such as Java or ActiveX. HTML injection modifies page content.

This method of attack is effective as the user is fooled into thinking a site being visited can be trusted, as the page is located within a trusted domain. When the user enters a login name and password, these are then sent on to the hacker. In this case, the user would reveal their bank logins and passwords, which would then be used to make fraudulent transfers to a hacker’s account.

DRIDEX malware first emerged in November last year and attacks have mainly affected computer users in Europe. Due to the ease at which the perpetrators of this campaign can obtain users’ banking credentials, this malware is particularly dangerous. All users, not just IKEA customers, should be particularly wary about opening email attachments or responding to emails containing links to webpages, especially if the emails are sent from individuals not known to the email recipient.

The malware was first used in the UK, but has since spread around Europe and has now been received in Sweden where IKEA is based. To date it has been estimated that the malware has allowed the perpetrators of the campaign to obtain around £20 million from fraudulent transfers, in addition to $10 million from U.S. banks.  IKEA is now monitoring the situation and is attempting to identify the source of the emails; however, since the perpetrators of campaigns such as this are typically mobile, it is particularly difficult to catch the criminals responsible.

How is it possible to protect against DRIDEX Malware?

Email scams such as this are becoming increasingly common and users can easily be fooled into installing malware. DRIDEX appears to be primarily transmitted by spam email attachments.

Fortunately, there is an easy way of protecting against a DRIDEX malware infection. Since spam emails are now becoming harder to spot, the easiest solution is to prevent DRIDEX emails from being delivered. To do that, a spam filter such as SpamTitan is required.

SpamTitan is able to identify spam emails containing DRIDEX as the signature of the malware is present in the Anti-Virus engines used by the software. SpamTitan uses two separate AV engines which increases the probability of the malware being detected.

Since new malware is being devised and sent with increasing regularity, all email users should also be taught how to identify potential phishing emails as a failsafe to ensure. This will help to ensure they do not become another email scam victim, or inadvertently compromise their employer’s network.

Two New Email Spam Warnings Issued by BBB

Email spam may not be the first choice of hackers for making money, but there are plenty of online criminals who still use email to fool users into installing malware on their computers or revealing sensitive information.

This week, two new email spam warnings have been issued following reports that consumers have received emails that have aroused their suspicions. When checking the authenticity of the emails received, they discovered they were scams. The warnings were issued by the Better Business Bureau (BBB) in an effort to prevent the scams from claiming victims.

The latest email spam campaigns differ from each other, but use tried and tested techniques which have proven to be highly effective in the past.

Jury Duty Scam Email Discovered

Trust in authority figures is being exploited in a new email spam campaign in which users are urged to take action as a result of missing jury duty. A similar email is doing the rounds warning recipients of an impending court case. Should the recipient of the email ignore the request, the case will be heard in their absence and they will not be allowed to mount a defense.

The emails shock recipients into taking rapid action such as clicking a link or opening an email attachment. These two emails are clever in the fact they warn users of the need to respond to a judge or turn up in court, yet the crucial information needed to do so is not supplied in the email body.

Any email recipient believing the email is genuine is likely to open the attachment or click a link to find out which court needs to be visited. By doing so they are guaranteed to have their computer, laptop or mobile device infected with malware.

The BBB was alerted to the scams and issued a warning advising recipients of these emails to delete them immediately. Advice provided saying the U.S. Courts would not contact individuals about jury duty by email. Letters are mailed or telephone calls are made in this regard.

Church Leaders Warned not to Fall for Money Transfer Email Spam Campaigns

The second scam was recently reported by the finance director of Grace Bible Church, who received a request via email to transfer funds to a senior pastor. In this case, the email appeared to be official, having been sent from the senior pastor’s email account.

It is a good security practice to always check the authenticity of an email that requests a transfer of funds. In this case all it took was a quick phone call to the pastor in question to reveal that the request was bogus.

If it is not possible to contact the individual, deleting the email would be the best next course of action. If the request is genuine, the individual in question is likely to make contact again. Spammers tend to send these campaigns randomly. A second request is unlikely to be received if the first is ignored.

The Fight Against Email Spam is Getting Easier

Spam email campaigns are still an effective method of malware delivery. Social media posts and infected websites may now be the preferred method of infection, but users must still be wary about opening attachments or visiting links sent from people they do not know.

Awareness of the tell-tale signs of an email scam has improved in recent years. So has security software used to detect phishing campaigns. SpamTitan Technologies is one such company that provides a highly effective spam filtering solution. It boasts an exceptionally low false positive rate and catches over 99.98% of all spam emails.

Part of the reason why SpamTitan’s Award Winning Anti-Spam solution is so effective at catching email spam is in part due to the power of the AV engines used. Instead of using one class-leading AV engine, it uses two: Bitdefender and Clam Anti-Virus.

By installing this anti-spam solution, malicious emails used to phish for sensitive information can be blocked before they are delivered to an email inbox. Businesses looking to reduce the risk of end users infecting their desktop computers, laptops and portable devices with malware and viruses, will find SpamTitan’s Anti-Spam solutions for the enterprise highly cost-effective. Rather than purchasing a package that offers protection for far more IP addresses than are required, IT professionals can purchase a license that covers end users without wastage.

IBM Softlayer Discovered to Be Biggest Spam Hosting ISP

Softlayer Rated Biggest Spam Hosting ISP by Spamhaus

According to a new report by the not-for-profit anti-spam organization, Spamhaus, the biggest spam hosting ISP is Softlayer, the IBM-owned cloud computing provider. A reported 42% of the ISP’s outbound emails have been discovered to be spam.

The report, issued on Wednesday, shows the ISP to be the current biggest offender, found to be supporting spammers and hosting numerous malware operations. The extent of the company’s emails found to be spam is astonishing, making it the undisputed champion of spam. Spamhaus has recorded over 685 separate spam issues on Softlayer, almost three times as many as the ISP in second place, Unicom-sc, which has had 232 reported spam issues.

Typically, the biggest web hosting companies and internet service providers do not feature so highly in the spam list, as they tend to employ numerous measures to prevent their servers being used by spammers and internet criminals. While Softlayer has not featured so highly in the past, recently it has been rising up the rankings, even though it does make efforts to fight spammers and implements controls to prevent them from using its servers.

In recent years the company has increased efforts to keep spammers at bay, and has taken firm, decisive action when reports of spamming have been received. But this has not proved to be sufficient.

It would appear that the ISP is now being targeted by Brazilian cybercriminals who are using its services to send out high volumes of spam emails and host numerous malware-infected websites. Softlayer is understood to have relaxed its criteria and vetting processes recently in an effort to attract more business; which does appear to have been successful, albeit for the wrong kind of business.

Spamhaus also pointed out that it has received requests to have Softlayer removed from its listing, but will only do so when it is clear that all of the issues have in fact been resolved. Spamhaus pointed out that cyber-criminals from Brazil were so active that “many listed ranges were being reassigned to the same spam gang immediately after re-entering the pool of available addresses.” The report went on to say, “these specific issues would not be removed until Softlayer was able to get control of the overall problem with these spammers.”

Softlayer has responded to the new number 1 ranking, saying affirmative action is being taken to tackle the issue. Communications Director, Andre Fuochi, recently told Krebsonsecurity, “We are aggressively working with authorities; groups like The Spamhaus Project, and IBM Security analysts to shut down this recent, isolated spike.”

Unfortunately, while action is being taken, it is not fast enough to stop the spammers. As soon as accounts and websites are shut down, more are created. Users are able to provision and de-provision sites and applications cheaply and quickly, which is why the ISP is struggling to stop spam emails from being sent and malware sites from being created.

Cloudmark recently confirmed Spamhaus’s rating, saying the Softlayer network was the largest single source of spam in the world during the third quarter of this year. The spammers and scammers will always find a home somewhere, but to find it at a company owned by IBM must come as a major embarrassment. IBM is, after all, a major player in the software security market.

Bank Phishing Scheme Nets Hackers Over $3.5 Million

A bank phishing scheme operated by a Moldovan man has resulted in $3.55 million being transferred from the bank accounts of a Pennsylvania mining company – the Penneco Oil Company Inc. – according to federal prosecutors.

The perpetrator of the campaign, Andrey Ghinkul, 30, has been charged following his recent arrest in Cyprus. He is awaiting extradition to the United States, with a hearing scheduled for next week.

The phishing campaign was sent out to numerous companies, with a number of recipients reportedly opening the email, only to have their computers infected with Bugat malware. Bugat Malware is a little known form of malware, operating in a similar fashion to the well-known Trojan Zeus.

Bugat malware functions as a SOCKS proxy server, allowing hackers to directly download and execute programs on an infected host’s computer, or upload files to remote servers. In order to escape detection, the malware communicates encrypted data with its command, and by doing so fails to trigger many traffic inspection software warnings.

The malware has been used to log information entered during online banking sessions, with Firefox and Internet Explorer browsers so far exploited. With the information obtained, hackers are able to make fraudulent wire transfers and ACH transactions. So far, small to mid-sized businesses have been most commonly targeted.

While many organizations are now looking out for Zeus infections, this new form of malware can escape detection more easily. The attacks also show how cybercriminals are diversifying their attacks in order to gain access to financial account information and avoid detection.

The phishing campaign was used to send emails to a number of recipients in U.S companies, with the emails appearing to have been sent from medical providers, indicating the recipients had received a positive diagnosis for cancer.

Bugat Malware Bank Phishing Scheme Nest Hackers Over $10 Million

According to the FBI, Bugat malware has resulted in around $10 million in funds being transferred from U.S company accounts to hackers in Russia and Belarus.

The transfers from Penneco Oil’s accounts were made possible by the malware, which recorded bank passwords as they were entered on the infected computer. That information was then used to make the transfers. The first transfer of $2.2 million was made in August 2012, with the funds being received by a bank based in Krasnodar, Russia. A second transfer was made the following month, this time the recipient account was in Minsk, Belarus.

While the transfers did go through, action was swiftly taken by the bank – Indiana, PA-based First Commonwealth – and the funds were rapidly restored. Senior Vice President of Penneco, D. Marc. Jacobs, said the bank “worked to completely restore our funds almost immediately.” In this case, Penneco had all funds restored and the bank had to cover the cost.

Should Ghinkul be extradited, the case will be heard in Pittsburgh where another attempted victim was targeted. Sharon City School District nearly lost $999,000 to a Russian account. Fortunately, that transaction was successfully blocked.

iTunes Email Scam Tricks Users into Revealing Credit Card Numbers

A new iTunes email scam has been uncovered which attempts to trick users into revealing their credit card numbers, according to a recent report issued by Malwarebytes.

The latest iTunes email scam targets users of iTunes and offers them a refund for a purchase that has been made using their iTunes account, indicating they have been affected by an email scam already. In order to receive the refund, the users must provide their Apple ID, password, and credit card details so the refund can be processed.

Emails have been sent to iTunes account holders telling them that their account has been fraudulently used to purchase an app valued at £34.99 ($53), with the emails containing a fake receipt for the purchase. The app is question is provided by CoPilot Premium HD, a supposed navigation service. The receipt contains a link that the recipient of the email must click in order for their refund to be issued, if the purchase is not genuine.

There is of course no such app, and the high price is perhaps a warning that something is amiss. Unfortunately for users looking to protect themselves from fraud, the very actions they take to protect themselves will actually ensure they do become victims.

Not the Only iTunes Email Scam Recently Uncovered

This is not the only email phishing scam to have been sent to Apple users in recent weeks. Another email spam campaign attempts to get users to click a link to update their credit/debit card, which users have been informed in the email is about to expire. Users have been requested to click a link and enter their new card details, including the CSC code on the reverse of their card, as well as the new expiry date.

As with many email scams of this nature, the email is sent with a threat of account suspension if they do not comply. In this case, users have little time to respond. The email link is said to expire in one hour’s time if it is not clicked, reducing the time for users to verify if the email is in fact genuine.

They are provided with a link to store.apple.com which is seemingly genuine; however, hovering over the link will reveal that the link directs them to a different location.

There are other common tell-tale signs that the email is a fake, even though the correspondence does contain seemingly genuine Apple imagery and appears to have been sent from Apple’s customer service department. One of the most telling signs is the volume of spelling mistakes contained in the email. Any email sent by Apple is likely to have at least been run through a spell check before being used as a template for millions of Apple device owners. A sure sign that the email is not genuine.

The email contains spelling and grammatical errors such as informing the recipient that the link will “expire one hours after the email was sent.” iPhone “ore” iPads is another, and feature is spelled “feauter.”

The advice to all Apple users is to take time to carefully read any email sent from Apple, and to attempt to verify any request to provide ID numbers or financial information.

U.S. Postal Service Not Dealing with the Phishing Threat

It has now been over a year since the U.S Postal Service was affected by a phishing campaign that resulted in the exposure of the personal information of 800,000 current and former workers, yet the postal service is still not effectively dealing with the phishing threat. Employees have been tested, and they are not identifying phishing emails.

Postal Service Employees are at Risk of Falling for Phishing Emails

The network data breach of 2014 occurred as a result of employees falling for spear phishing campaigns, which allowed criminals to gain access to postal service networks containing sensitive data. The data thieves were able to gain access to the network and exfiltrate data without meeting much in the way of resistance. It would appear that if a similar campaign was conducted again now, even more data may be exposed.

The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) recently took the decision to put postal service workers to the test, to determine whether lessons have been learned since last year. In total, 3,125 fake phishing emails were sent to employees of the U.S Postal Service to determine whether they were actually able to identify a potential phishing campaign.

There was some good news. 75% of workers were able to resist the temptation to click on the phishing links in the emails. The bad news was 25% did click. Unfortunately, all it takes is for one person to respond to a phishing email for criminals to gain access to data. 780 responses to fake phishing emails shows risk is not being effectively managed.

However, perhaps worse still, was the lack of compliance with policies that had been put in place in the wake of last year’s successful attack. For instance, the postal service’s Computer Incident Response Team should be alerted if a suspicious email is received by workers, yet only 7% of employees did so during the test.

The reason is perhaps quite easy to explain. Only 4% of staff had completed the Postal Service cybersecurity training course, so presumably were unaware of the policy of reporting suspicious emails, if they were in fact able to identify them as suspicious.

OIG Report Shows Postal Service is Not Dealing with the Phishing Threat

The OIG report on the cybersecurity test stated that awareness training does have a positive impact, and can substantially reduce the risk of employees responding to a phishing campaign. Research shows training can reduce security-related risks by as much as 70%.

Policies must of course be turned into procedures, and the staff must receive training. The OIG said, “When management does not require all employees with network access to take annual information security awareness training, users are less likely to appropriately respond to threats.”

One of the main problems for organizations trying to tackle the threat of phishing is the fact that criminal organizations and hackers are developing ever more complex and convincing campaigns to fool users into opening malware-infected attachments and visiting links to malware-infected websites. However, if training is not provided to the staff, even uncomplicated phishing campaigns could well succeed.

At present, only new members of staff and CIO office members are required to undergo annual cybersecurity training: That is not the most effective way of dealing with the phishing threat. However, in response to the OIG report, the Postal Service will be implementing new training policies by April 2016.

FTC Issues Warning over Gaming Email Phishing Scam

The Federal Trade Commission has issued a warning over a new gaming email phishing scam that targets video game players and takes advantage of their love of the games to get them to divulge their account information.

Gamers invest considerable time and money into buying add-ons and developing gaming characters; however, the fear of loss of their gaming account is seeing many fall for the latest scam.

Cyber Criminals Opt for Gaming Phishing Email Scam

Hardcore gamers are not difficult to find, having registered on forums and gaming websites, providing their email addresses and other information about their gaming habits. Once criminals obtain email addresses of gamers, they are sent fake emails from gaming companies suggesting they have been discovered to have sold gaming items or characters for real money, and by doing so have violated the rules of the game.

Consequently, the users are threatened with account suspensions, or in some cases, legal action. A number of emails have been received by gamers with threats that they will be sued for amounts up to $2,700 for repeated violations of gaming rules and regulations. The intention is not to get the users to part with that money, but to get them to reveal details of their bank accounts or credit cards used to make purchases.

Users are often fooled into responding out of fear of losing their accounts or being suspended or banned from their favorite games. The email campaigns can also be highly convincing, using templates that appear legitimate, often including company logos and names the users may be familiar with.

The scammers have been targeting users of some of the most popular online games, such as World of Warcraft and Diablo III, both produced by Blizzard Entertainment, although the scam is not restricted to players of these games. The volume of emails sent to gamers, and complaints received, has resulted in Blizzard emailing users to tip them off to what it called “rampant scams.”

The FTC has also got involved, issuing a warning of its own. According to the FTC warning, targets are advised that they should check the status of their accounts and challenge the suspension if they have done no wrong. They are supplied a link for this purpose and are required to fill in a ‘verification’ form.

They are then asked to enter information in order to confirm their accounts and identities, and must reveal account and financial information. The perpetrators of the scam then empty their accounts.

This is not the only technique used by online fraudsters to get users to reveal their credentials. Gamers are being sent spam emails asking them to login in order to receive free gifts and exclusive game add-ons, with users requested to click a link in the email to login in order to claim their prize.

It is not always essential that account details are entered in the online forms to which the users are directed to. The links contained in the emails can direct the users to malware-infected websites. Malicious software is automatically downloaded to the users’ computers, allowing the perpetrators to gain access to the device and trawl files looking for personal information such as bank account details, login names and passwords.

Gamers have been warned to always try to verify any such emails, and not to click on links, open attachments or use the contact details provided. All requests that are out of the ordinary should be independently verified with the company concerned, using the gaming website’s contact information.

Symantec Says Email Spam Levels at 12 Year Low

There has been some good news reported recently that indicates email spam levels are now at the lowest point seen in the past 12 years. According to a report issued by Security company Symantec, spam emails fell to 49.7% of all emails sent in June this year. Spam email levels fell further still in July, dropping to 46.4% of total email volume. Symantec also reported that the volume of phishing campaigns also saw a fall in June.

A number of reasons have been cited for the fall in spam levels, including bringing a number of spammers to justice and closing down their criminal networks, in addition to shutting down a number of rampant botnet networks, many of which were located in the United Kingdom.

The botnets were identified by UK police forces which orchestrated a number of takedowns. UK and European internet service providers had been collaborating with the police and passed on information on suspected botnets, helping to reduce the effectiveness of the networks, ultimately leading to many being shut down.

While this is good news, this does not mean there has been a reduction in risk. Phishing schemes may have seen a small drop in June, but the number of malware variants now being discovered has increased dramatically. The variation in malware is causing a problem, as the malicious software is becoming harder to identify. The extent of the increase in variants is considerable. In just two months the number of malware types had almost doubled from 29.2 million in April to 57.6 million pieces of malware caught by Symantec in July. This is the second highest figure reported in the past 12 months, with only November 2014 seeing more malware attacks caught (63.6 million).

The attack landscape is constantly changing, with cybercriminals now diversifying their attack vectors. Ransomware for instance, is becoming more popular. Just under half a million attacks (477,000) were thwarted by Symantec in June, with the volume of ransomware having risen for two months in a row.

While cyber criminals based in the UK and United States may be diversifying attack vectors, hackers in other countries still favor email spam, with eastern Europe and China still seeing huge volumes of spam emails being sent. It is certainly not a time to let one’s guard down or become complacent about email spam.

Businesses Still Receiving High Volumes of Spam Emails

Overall, levels of spam may have fallen, but small to mid-sized companies are still seeing high levels of spam emails received, with the percentage of spam emails remaining above 50%. Spam email traffic to small to medium companies (those with one to 250 employees) stood at 52% in June.

Malicious emails are also still being used extensively to target organizations of all sizes. In June, malicious emails were being most commonly used against companies employing 1501-2500 individuals, with one in 164 emails recorded as being malicious in nature.

In July the figures had improved, with organizations employing 251-500 individuals the most common recipients of malicious emails, registering one email in 260 as being malicious in nature, closely followed by small organizations employing under 250 individuals, with one in 275 emails rated as malicious.

Spam emails were still being sent at high levels to particular industries, with mining and manufacturing industries receiving high levels of spam in June. Over 56% of emails received in the mining sector were spam, with the manufacturing, construction, retail and non-traditional service industries all registering spam email volumes of 53% or more in June.

The figures for July actually showed an increase in spam for some industry sectors. Mining had increased to 55.7%, with only very slight falls in spam levels in other industry sectors. Manufacturing, retail and construction all registered spam percentages above 53%.

Each of the other 6 industry sectors (Professional services, agriculture/forestry/fishing, wholesale, non-classifiable establishments, finance/insurance/real estate, and non-traditional services) all registered spam email percentages of between 51.9% and 52.5%, indicating email spam remains a major problem for most U.S. businesses.

Ponemon Institute Calculates the Cost of Phishing Attacks

The Ponemon Institute has released a new report detailing the cost of phishing attacks on U.S businesses, suggesting the average annual cost for U.S companies has now risen to $4 million. Ponemon calculated phishing attacks take an average of 23.7 days to resolve, and are having a huge impact on U.S organizations, with smaller companies often suffering the most.

Cost of Phishing Attacks & Cyber Crime Assessed

The report indicates that the biggest costs suffered as a result of cyber crime come from phishing campaigns and social engineering, which accounted for 16% of total cyber crime costs. Phishing and social engineering were found to have affected 59% of organizations, while botnets affected 66% and web-attacks were suffered by 76% of organizations.

The Ponemon study, conducted in conjunction with HP Enterprise, involved a representative sample of 58 private and public sector U.S organizations being surveyed on cyber crime and the costs of dealing with criminal attacks. The results of the study show that in the U.S, the mean annualized cost of cyber crime has risen to $12.7 million per year, with the highest total average cost of dealing with cyber crime being $15.42 million – more than double that of Germany in second place.

The study showed that organizations are having to pay between $1.6 million and $61 million per year to resolve cyber attacks. The cost of the dealing with those attacks was found to be higher for larger organizations, although the per capita costs were highest for smaller organizations.

The new 2014 Cyber Crime Report shows the cost of dealing with attacks has risen 19% in just 12 months, with the global average cost of cyber crime estimated to have exceeded $7.7 million. Some companies are having to cover costs of up to $65 million to resolve criminal attacks, which were shown to have increased in both frequency and severity during the past 12 months. Email attacks remain one of the biggest causes for concern, being one of the main methods used by criminals seeking access to computer networks.

Phishing Emails Are Proving to be Highly Effective

Earlier this year, communications company Verizon produced a report indicating phishing campaigns can be highly effective methods of attack, and suggested that all too often staff training efforts are not particularly effective.  Many organizations are now providing staff with information on how to identify phishing emails, yet this information does not appear to be retained. The study found that 23% of individual who received a phishing email opened it, and an alarming 11% of recipients clicked on the link contained in the email or opened the attachment.

The provision of training manuals on phishing to employees can be effective, but retention of information tends to be poor. The Ponemon study did suggest that one of the best methods of training staff how to identify phishing emails is to provide examples, indicating the sending of simulated phishing emails was particularly effective at reinforcing training, providing up to a 37% return on investment.

With phishing emails representing such a substantial proportion of cyber security costs, and training proving not always particularly effective at substantially reducing the risk of attacks being successful, greater efforts should be put into intercepting phishing emails and preventing them from being delivered to recipients’ inboxes. For that, a robust and effective email spam filter is required.

Level of Email Spam and Botnet Infection Quantified

Although many reports suggest that email spam is reducing, email spam and botnet infection is still a major issue for most U.S organizations and individuals – with criminal practices netting cybercriminal gangs billions of dollars every year.

Determining the infection levels and the volume of spam being sent was one of the missions of the Messaging, Malware and Mobile Anti-Abuse Working Group (M3AAWG). M3AAWG, is a global organization tasked with promoting cybersecurity best practices and fighting organized internet crime. M3AAWG was formed a decade ago by a number of leading internet service providers, with the goal of improving collaboration and sharing knowledge to make it harder for criminals to spam account users. By reducing the impact of email spam on individuals and organizations, ISPs would be able to better protect users, IPS’s email platforms and their reputations.

Quantifying Email Spam and Botnet Infection a Complex Task

It was discovered that quantifying email spam and botnet infection levels was a complex task; one that was only possible with collaboration between internet service providers. As a result of this collaboration, the organization has produced reports on the global state of email spam and botnet infection. Its latest analysis suggests that approximately 1% of computer users are part of a botnet network.

The data gathered by M3AAWG involved assessing 43 million email subscribers in the United States and Europe.,The data analysis showed that IPS’s typically block between 94% and 99% of spam emails. The company’s report suggests that on the whole, IPS’s do a good job of blocking email spam.

The figures look impressive but, considering the huge scale of email spam, billions of spam emails are still getting through to users, with financial organizations and other companies now being regularly targeted with spam and malware.

Email spammers are well funded, and criminal organizations are using email spam as a means of obtaining tens of billions of dollars each year from internet fraud. Spam emails are sent to phish for sensitive information, such as bank account information, credit card details and other highly sensitive data including Social Security numbers. Accounts can be emptied, credit cards maxed out and data used to commit identity theft; racking up tens of thousands of dollars of debts in the victims’ names.

In years gone by, email spammers concentrated on sending emails randomly to accounts with offers of cheap Rolexes, Viagra, potential wives and the opportunity to claim an inheritance from a long lost relative. Today, spammers have realized there are far greater rewards to be had, and emails are now sent containing links to malware-infected websites which can be used to compromise users’ PCs, laptops and Smartphones, gaining access to highly sensitive data or locking devices and demanding ransoms.

Some emails may still be sent manually, but the majority are sent using botnets. Networks of infected machines that can be used to send huge volumes of spam emails, spread malware or organize increasingly complex attacks on individuals and organizations. The botnets are available for hire, with criminals able to rent botnet time and use them for any number of reasons.

Many of the attacks are now coming from countries where there is little regulation and a very low risk of the perpetrators being caught. Countries in Africa, as well as Indonesia and the Ukraine house huge volumes of cybercriminals. They have even set up call centers to deal with the huge volume of enquiries from criminals seeking botnet time to orchestrate phishing and spamming campaigns. Tackling the problem at the source is difficult, with corruption rife in the countries where the perpetrators reside.

However, it is possible to reduce spam level, and the risk of employees falling for a scam or downloading malware by installing a robust email antispam filter, reducing the potential for spam emails and phishing campaigns getting through to individual accounts.  According to Verizon, 23% of users open phishing emails and 11% open attachments and click on links. Stopping the emails from reaching users is therefore one of the best methods of defense against attacks.

LinkedIn Email Spam Lawsuit Results in $13m Payout

Lawyers representing plaintiffs affected by spammy marketing practices by business networking website LinkedIn have reached a $13 settlement in a California court, with the LinkedIn email spam lawsuit likely to result in users of the website receiving a payout of around $10 per person.

Lawyers argued that the marketing practices used to attract new users breached California’s common law right of publicity and constituted unfair competition, with millions of users having had their privacy violated. The class-action lawsuit was filed in September 2013 and lasted two years before LinkedIn agreed to settle the case without admission of liability. LinkedIn claimed no wrongdoing and that its business practices broke no laws.

Alleged Spammy Marketing Practices used by LinkedIn to Attract New Users

Users of LinkedIn are permitted to import contacts from email accounts such as Gmail. Users electing to “Add Connections”, will generate an email that is sent to their contacts list inviting those individuals to connect and sign up for an account with the website.

Site users were asked before emails were sent to their imported email contacts, but they were not advised about a further two emails that were triggered if their contacts did not respond to the original email request within a fixed period of time. The follow-up emails were reminders that the invitation was still waiting for approval.

The lawyers claimed that LinkedIn had been “breaking into its users’ third-party email accounts, downloading email addresses that appear in the account, and then sending out multiple reminder emails.” The case centered on the fact that users were not advised that this would be the case. It was claimed that the website was using the names and likeness of users to drum up more business without consent, thus breaching the privacy rights of site members.

Last year, LinkedIn petitioned U.S. District Judge Lucy Koh requesting the case be dismissed, as users had in fact given their consent for contacts to be sent emails; however, Koh ruled that while consent had been provided for one email to be sent, users had not given LinkedIn consent to send any further emails if individuals did not respond to the initial request to join the website.

Other claims made against LinkedIn were rejected, such as the breach of federal wiretap law and claims of hacking users accounts. As a result, the case was required to be resubmitted.

LinkedIn Users Invited to Submit Claims for Compensation

The LinkedIn email spam lawsuit has now been settled, although users of the site are unlikely to receive much in the way of compensation. Any user who used the Add Connections feature of the website between September 17, 2011 and October 31, 2014 have now been invited to submit claims, and have until December 14, 2015 in order to do so.

Due to the volume of individuals affected, it is probable that the payout for each affected user will be around $10. LinkedIn has agreed to add further funds – $750,000 – if the volume of claims it receives results in individuals qualifying for a payout of less than $10 a head. Linked in will also be required to cover legal fees in addition to paying the $13 million settlement.

From the end of the year, all users of the “Add Connections” feature will be informed that by doing so, they are giving their consent for their imported email contacts will be sent one email, and up to two follow-up emails if no response is received from the initial request. There will also be a new option added which will allow invitations and reminder emails to be stopped.

Threat from Phishing is the Major Concern of Health IT Professionals

The threat from phishing emails is causing Health IT professionals major headaches, and is one of the main data security concerns according to a recent HIMSS cybersecurity survey. The recent HIMSS survey was conducted on 300 healthcare IT security professionals and suggests that the increase in phishing emails is one of the main reasons why the healthcare industry is having to invest so heavily in data security. 69% of survey respondents believed that to be the case.

Phishing campaigns are now being devised that are difficult to identity, with cybercriminals investing considerable time and effort into creating highly convincing emails in an attempt to get healthcare employees to divulge their login credentials.

Threat from Phishing Keeps CISOs Awake at Night

Criminals may still be sending random email spam in an attempt to obtain credit card details and banking information, but healthcare providers are now being increasingly targeted for the high volume of Social Security numbers and other personal patient information held; data that can be easily used to commit identity theft and obtain far more than is possible with credit card numbers. According to HIMSS Senior Director of Research Jennifer Horowitz, phishing is now “the number one thing that keeps CISOs up at night.”

The survey showed that data security has become one of the main business priorities for healthcare organizations, with 87% of respondents claiming data security has increased in priority over the course of the last year. Out of the respondents that said data security is a main priority now, two-thirds believe phishing to be the main cause for concern, and the same volume of respondents claimed their organizations had already suffered a phishing or other online scamming attack.

Phishing is a technique used by cybercriminals to obtain personal information, and is used as part of a wider attack on a corporate network. If users can be convinced to visit a link to a website or open an attachment, malware is downloaded to their device. A third of survey respondents indicated they have already become the victim of such an attack this year.

One problem faced by the healthcare industry in particular is the tactics used by criminals frequently change. Phishing was a technique most commonly associated with mass spam emails sent by individuals in the hope that some email users would fall for the scams. It would appear that now individuals, or specific groups of individuals, are being targeted. Many criminals now opt for quality over quantity, and are devising campaigns to target individuals with access to the data they seek. These “spear phishing” campaigns can prove to be highly effective.

Tackling the Threat from Phishing Emails

Efforts are being made by healthcare organizations to reduce the risk of individuals falling for campaigns. Spam filtering can be effective at limiting the volume of emails that make it through to the inboxes of healthcare workers, and training is now being provided to staff to help individuals recognize the signs of a phishing email. However, it would appear that while training is sometimes provided, this is not subsequently tested in many cases. Phishing email exercises designed to test users’ ability to identify phishing campaigns are still not being used by the majority of healthcare organizations. Only a quarter claimed they are using exercises to test staff readiness to deal with the threat, and that is a recipe for disaster.

City of London Police Email Scam Warning

City of London Police are sending emails containing important information about a murder suspect. You must be vigilant, and if you see this individual, you should not approach him! The attachment sent via email contains his image, so you will know to avoid him and alert the police if you see him. Unfortunately, opening the attachment will make you a victim. You will not be murdered, but you may end up having your bank account emptied. Yes, this is a City of London Police email scam, and it attempts to convince the good, law abiding public to infect their devices with malware.

City of London Police Email Scam Warning!

One of the latest email scams to be wary of, especially if you live in the UK, involves spam emails with the subject “London City Police.” Contained in the email is a bulletin detailing a murder suspect on the loose, together with a malware-infected attachment.

Fortunately for the wary, there is a clue in the subject that the email is not genuine. There is of course no “London City Police.” The police force in question is called “The City of London Police.” That said, the shock of receiving an email from law enforcement about a murderer on the loose may be enough to convince many to open the email and the attachment.

As one would expect, the email contains a stern warning, with the content phrased in such a way that it could in fact have been sent by the police force. A murderer on the loose in London is a serious matter, and this cunning email spam campaign has been devised to play on the fear that such a matter is likely to create.

How would the Police force have got your email address, and those of everyone else living in your area? That is something that many victims of this email scam may ponder after opening the attachment. Of course, by then it will be too late. Opening the attachment will result in malware being installed on the victim’s computer.

Fortunately, email scams such as this are easy to avoid, in fact, they would not even get to the point of being delivered to an inbox, if precautions have been taken, as explained by Steven Kenny, Customer Support Manager at TitanHQ.

Kenny pointed out that by using SpamTitan, computer users will be protected. He said, “This malware was blocked by SpamTitan before it had a chance to make it to users’ inboxes.” He went on to say, “The malware contained in the attachment was flagged as a virus. The attachment is a zip file, once executed; the malware goes to work.”

SpamTitan Blocked the City of London Police Email Scam

The image below is a screenshot of the City of London Police email scam, which was successfully blocked by SpamTitan.



Current High Risk of Malware Infection

Malware poses a major risk to individuals, but businesses are especially at risk of infection. Employees may be wary of opening emails on their own devices, but are they as security conscious at work?

It is perhaps easier to believe that a work email address would be in the police database, rather than a personal email account. This may lead employees to believe that the email is genuine. Unfortunately, all it takes is for one employee to open an infected attachment, and their computer, and the network it connects to could be infected.

Since email is essential in business, protections must be put in place to ensure networks are not compromised as a result of the actions of employees. If malware is installed, the losses suffered can be considerable. It therefore can pay dividends to implement protection such SpamTitan spam filtering. This will prevent malware-infected emails from being delivered to employees’ inboxes.

Subscribers Targeted by Netflix Phishing Scam

A new Netflix phishing scam has been uncovered which works by telling users their Netflix accounts have been closed, requiring action to regain access to the service. Doing so will give your confidential login details to the scam operators.

Netflix has 62.27 million users, making it a highly attractive target for email scammers and spammers, and consequently Netflix phishing scams are common.

Latest Netflix Phishing Scam Convinces users to Reveal their Account Details

Recipients of the fake Netflix emails are required to click a link in order to reactivate their accounts. Unknown to the victims of this Netflix phishing scam, clicking on the link will direct them to a fake Netflix page, and by reactivating their accounts they will be giving the scammers their account names, passwords, and potentially other sensitive information.

Unfortunately for Netflix users, revealing passwords for one account may also mean other online accounts are compromised. Many users share their passwords across different websites, often using the same or similar passwords for Netflix, Facebook, and a host of other sites, including online banking portals.

TitanHQ recommends Netflix users ignore the email and delete it, and certainly do not to click on the link in the email. Phishing scams such as this usually direct users to a website that has been infected with malware, and clicking the link will result in that malware being downloaded, even if no information is entered on the page.

The best course of action is to login to your Netflix account as you would normally do, by typing in the URL or using your bookmark, and check your account status directly with Netflix. In all likelihood, it will still be active.

Further Information on the New Netflix Phishing Scam

Below is a screenshot of the latest Netflix phishing scam. The email appears genuine enough, although close inspection will reveal a few grammatical errors, such as missing apostrophes and misplaced exclamation marks. However, the email could be enough to fool the unwary, and especially individuals who tend to skim read emails and click first and think later.



This phishing campaign is similar to others that have been recently sent to users of other online services. Phishing emails are devised to give the recipient a legitimate reason for handing over sensitive information, usually via webpage.

These include, but are not limited to:

  • Upgrading security settings
  • Performing essential system maintenance
  • Verifying account details to prevent fraud
  • Claiming a refund for a bill that has been paid
  • Giving money back for an incorrect charge
  • Offering you a free gift or service

Email scams often deliver malicious programs – malware – that has been created to steal confidential data such as account login names and passwords. Phishing campaigns are launched on social media, although email is the most common way that these scams are delivered.

Generally speaking, phishing campaigns can be categorized in three types:

Off-the-Shelf Jacking Toolkits

Criminals can purchase malware online which can be used to scam users into revealing passwords, which can subsequently be used to empty bank accounts, rack up debts, or hold people to ransom (the latter is becoming increasingly common and is referred to as ransomware). Once access is gained to an account or computer, Ransomware is used to encrypt data. The users are then required to pay a ransom to the perpetrator of the scheme in order to get their data unlocked.

These campaigns are usually opportunistic in nature, and involve millions of spam emails being sent. It is a numbers game, and some users will click on the phishing links and compromise their computers and networks.

Zero-day Vulnerability Exploits

The net is also cast similarly widely with these email phishing campaigns; however, the malware delivered is more complex, and the hackers behind these schemes are considerably more skilled. Zero-day vulnerabilities are new security flaws that have been discovered in software that have yet to be discovered by the software vendor. Consequently, patches do not exist to deal with the threat. Malware is created to exploit these vulnerabilities, which is usually delivered via an infected email attachment, although it can be downloaded when users visit a phishing website.

Spear Phishing Campaigns

These are targeted attacks that are conducted on individuals, or in some cases, organizations. The perpetrators of these schemes are skilled, and invest considerable time and effort into creating convincing campaigns. Oftentimes extensive information is gathered on the targets prior to the phishing emails being sent.

These schemes similarly use zero day vulnerabilities, and these advanced persistent threats (APT) have been used in a number of high profile attacks, such as the recent Carbanak malware attacks which have made the headlines recently.

How to Avoid Becoming a Phishing Victim

The best defense against attack is to be vigilant. Security awareness training for employees is essential. Staff members must be alerted to the risk, the consequences of clicking on a phishing link, and told how to identify scams. They should be instructed to check links before clicking (by hovering the mouse arrow over the link to check the real address).

It is also essential to keep all software patched and up to date. This applies to operating systems, applications, web browsers and other software. Software should be configured to update automatically wherever possible. Organizations should also develop concise patch management policies. Continuous security audits should be conducted and multi-layered network security controls developed.

There are a number of ways that spam and phishing emails can be prevented from being delivered to users, such as using a spam filter. Web filtering is particularly useful in prevent users from visiting known malware and phishing sites.

The XXX Domain Controversy: Was it all a Waste of Time?

In 1998, ICANN issued the first domain names and IP addresses. There were not many top level domains (TLDs) to choose from. Each country had its own domain suffix, but the choice was limited to .com, .org, .net, .edu, .mil and .gov. Over the years, a few more options have been introduced such as .me, .mobi, .tv and .biz, but the suffix that has caused the most controversy is .xxx – a TLD intended for websites containing images of a sexual nature.

The .xxx TLD was seen as a method of introducing a red light district to the Internet, cleaning it up aside from a dirty corner that could be policed and easily blocked. Some purveyors of pornography allegedly welcomed the move, while others were opposed to it.

There were protests, but the new TLD was released in December 2011, and ICM Registry – a Fort Lauderdale for-profit business – was assigned responsibility for allocating the TLDs. Incidentally, the contract for this was quite lucrative. ICM Registry expected to make in the region of $200 million per year out of the deal.

Sometimes a good idea on paper doesn’t always work out so well in practice. For instance, some companies had spent a long time building up a brand name. They operated their domain on the .com domain, had bought up the .net, .mobi, .org versions and all other TLDs to protect their brand. They did not like the idea of having to do that again with the XXX version, and neither would they be willing to move their main site over to the .xxx TLD.

Few were in favor of the new XXX TLD

Pornographers were not the only objectors to the introduction of the .xxx TLD. The Bush Administration was opposed to the release. In fact ICANN was asked to withdraw support for the proposal. Criticism of the proposal mounted and ICANN came under a considerable amount of pressure. The American Department of Commerce, that has power over ICANN, received over 6,000 complaints about the introduction of the .xxx TLD. Even politicians who had originally backed the idea in the year 2000 changed their mind a decade later. Naturally, conservative groups also applied pressure to block the proposal. It was not enough. The TLD was released – with a delay of a month – and a swathe of new porn websites were subsequently launched.

Unsurprisingly, there has not been a reduction in the number of .com porn websites on the Internet. The new domain has seen even more created. Go figure!

ICANN was subsequently sued on the grounds that it had created a monopoly and that the introduction of the TLD forced businesses to spend even more money registering domain names to protect their brands from being piggybacked. After a couple of years, the lawsuit was dropped.

Controls put in place to protect trademarks

ICM regulators created the new TLD in order to clean up the Internet apparently. The .xxx TLD was seen as a way to make it easier for people wanting to view pornography to find it (it wasn’t exactly difficult, it must be said – type “porn” into a search engine for example) and as a way of promoting a responsible attitude toward it. It would, in theory at least, eventually lead to a dedicated area where pornographic websites could be housed.

However, trademark and patent protection advocate Inventa pointed out that opposition to the new .xxx TLD was virtually universal. No one wanted it apart from ICANN (and ICM Registry).

As for the fears that domain-sitters and entrepreneurs would take advantage, there were controls to prevent this. Eligibility criteria needed to be met. A company owning the trademarked .com version of a website could purchase the corresponding .xxx TLD to use as an adult domain or to prevent others from using it. Amazon.xxx, for example, could only be bought by Amazon.com. The ICM Registry reserved it for them. If there was no trademark, the domain name could be bought by anyone.

Was it worth all the effort?

ICM Registry would be inclined to agree, but as for making the Internet a safer place for children, cleaning up some porn, and having a dedicated online red light district, that clearly hasn’t worked. The biggest names in Internet porn still use their dotcom websites and have not made the switch to XXX domains. People interested in viewing pornography do not need an .xxx TLD to be able to find it, and don’t care what the name of the website is let alone the TLD, provided it gives them what they are looking for.

It is no easier to block pornographic websites than it was before the release. Simply blocking access to XXX suffixed websites will make no discernable difference to the amount of porn that is viewable online.

Until laws are passed to force porn websites to use the XXX domain – which would be incredibly difficult to implement – the move has not been particularly effective.

The only way to block effectively access block pornography from being displayed is to use a web filter such as SpamTitan Technologies. By using real-time classification, URL filtering, blocklists, keyword filters and other tools, SpamTitan Technologies web filtering solutions prevent the websites from being viewable. Something very important for schools, universities, colleges, charities, and corporations.

Any organization believing written policies on allowable uses of the Internet are sufficient to stop inappropriate use, should bear in mind that surveys have revealed that 20% of men and 13% of women have admitted to downloading pornographic content while at work. A recent pool of 500 Human Resources professionals indicated two thirds had discovered pornographic content on work computers, and the majority of porn is viewed during office hours (between 9am and 5pm).

If you want to stop employees accessing pornography in the workplace, the only effective way of doing so is with a robust web filtering solution.

Anonymous Accusations of Fake Malware Denied by Kaspersky Labs

Former employees of Kaspersky Labs have tipped off the media to an alleged practice of faking malware. It is claimed the company used fake malware to get rival anti-virus companies to flag the programs as malicious, potentially tarnishing their reputations with numerous fake positives.

For obvious reasons, the tip-offs have come from anonymous individuals who claim to have worked for Kaspersky Labs, yet their identities naturally cannot be verified. They could in fact be employees of rival anti-virus companies. It is therefore difficult to determine whether there is any truth in the allegations. Kaspersky Labs denied the allegations, in fact Eugene Kaspersky has been quite vocal on social media and has spoken out on Twitter, vehemently denying the accusations.

In an effort to find out more, we contacted Kaspersky Labs to find out further details. We received a reply as follows:

Kaspersky Denies Fake Malware Claims

“Contrary to allegations made in a Reuters news story, Kaspersky Lab has never conducted any secret campaign to trick competitors into generating false positives to damage their market standing. Such actions are unethical, dishonest and illegal.” Kaspersky went on to say, “Accusations by anonymous, disgruntled ex-employees that Kaspersky Lab, or its CEO, was involved in these incidents are meritless and simply false. As a member of the security community, we share our threat intelligence data and IOCs on advanced threat actors with other vendors, and we also receive and analyze threat data provided by others. Although the security market is very competitive, trusted threat data exchange is a critical part of the overall security of the entire IT ecosystem, and we fight hard to help ensure that this exchange is not compromised or corrupted.”

Interestingly though, there does appear to be a grain of truth in the accusations, with the anti-virus software giant confirming that harmless malware was in fact created and uploaded. However, this was part of a test of its own software systems, not an attempt to discredit rivals. The statement issued explained the experiment:

“In 2010, we conducted a one-time experiment uploading only 20 samples of non-malicious files to the VirusTotal multi-scanner, which would not cause false positives as these files were absolutely clean, useless and harmless. After the experiment, we made it public and provided all the samples used to the media so they could test it for themselves. We conducted the experiment to draw the security community’s attention to the problem of insufficiency of multi-scanner based detection when files are blocked only because other vendors detected them as being malicious, without actual examination of the file activity (behavior).” The story was reported at the time in the media.

Kaspersky also explained that “After that experiment, we had a discussion with the antivirus industry regarding this issue and understood we were in agreement on all major points.” Further information on cascading false positives can be found here.

In 2012, Kaspersky Labs was among the affected companies impacted by an unknown source uploading bad files to VirusTotal, which led to a number of incidents with false-positive detections. To resolve this issue, in October 2013, during the VB Conference in Berlin, there was a private meeting between leading antivirus vendors to exchange the information about the incidents, work out the motives behind this attack and develop an action plan. It is still unclear who was behind this campaign.”

False positives are common in the internet security industry. What is not known, and probably never will be, is who creates the bad samples that lead to false positives. As Ronan Kavanagh, CEO at TitanHQ, points out,“Kaspersky is an excellent product, we have never had an issue with it, quite the opposite in fact. Of course we have seen false positives, we were targeted by bad samples as were many other security vendors but we would have no visibility on who carried out these attacks.  The critical thing is that as an industry we work together in fighting back”.

Have you discovered false positives when you have run your software security programs?

Virtually All Companies Have Been Impacted by Malware

The threat to corporate data security is higher than ever, with hackers and other cyber criminals devising ever more complex ways of gaining access to company secrets, employee data, and protected health information. IT security teams now need to monitor and track new threats like never before. Phishing emails must be blocked, employees must be prevented from visiting malicious websites, audits must be conducted to check for malware and viruses, and systems protected against keyloggers and Trojans.

The volume of new malware now being discovered is enough to keep IT security professionals awake at night, with many fearing the security of their systems. IT budgets are strained enough as it is, and the rapidly changing threat landscape is placing those budgets under even greater strain.

What Information are Cyber Criminals Trying to Obtain?

Individual hackers may attempt to break through security defenses for any number of reasons, in fact their aims are not always financially motivated. A grudge may be held against an ex-employer. Business practices may be deemed to be questionable. A company’s carbon footprint may even make it a worthy target for attack. Often the aim is to sabotage, with unscrupulous business competitors willing to employ hackers to enable them to gain a competitive advantage.

However, in the majority of cases, cyber criminals attack companies for the data they hold, which can be sold on to the highest bidder on Darknet websites or used to obtain goods, services, or cold hard cash. Data carries a high value on the black market as it can be used for a myriad of different types of fraud.

Healthcare data can be used to fraudulently obtain medical services. Insurance data used to make bogus insurance claims. Social Security numbers can be used for identity theft or to file false tax returns, and credit card details used to rack up thousands of debts in victims’ names. Corporate secrets such as product development information can be obtained and sold to competitors. The theft of that information can be used by competitors to devastating effect.

Some cyber criminals are not interested in stealing data, just in preventing companies from accessing it. If ransomware can be installed, criminals are able to encrypt an entire system and hold the company to ransom. They will only release the security keys to unencrypt data if a ransom is paid.

How Are Criminals Obtaining the Data?

Spam emails and phishing campaigns (via email, social media networks and over the telephone) are common, although one of the biggest threats to data security comes from malware. If malware can be installed on computers or servers, it can record and exfiltrate data to the hacker’s control centers. All communications can be intercepted and all keystrokes recorded. This enables hackers to obtain login names and passwords: Those used to access internal systems or online bank accounts. It is not just corporate data that is at risk. Any information stored on clients and customers can also potentially be obtained by the attackers.

Common Hacking Techniques Used to Gain Access to Data

Some of the techniques used by hackers to gain access to data include:

Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

Even apparently safe websites can allow hackers to install malware or access sensitive data. This type of attack involves legitimate websites sending requests to other sites. Twitter has suffered cyber attacks involving this method, resulting in logins and passwords of site users being obtained.

Web 2.0 Application Exploits

These attacks are difficult to prevent as they are often not identified by standard anti-virus defense mechanisms. They can exploit vulnerabilities in Adobe Flash, XML, JavaScript, JSON and Xpath to deliver malware and malicious code.

Cross-Component Attacks

Take two innocent looking sections of malware code that have been installed on a website. Individually they do no harm, and can easily evade detection. However, when two appear on the same webpage they interact and infect visitors’ devices with malware.

SQL Injection

One of the most popular techniques for hacking involves the insertion of meta-characters or SQL commands into input fields on a website. The commands are able to execute back-end SQL code.

Cross-Site Scripting

Hackers can embed code in URLs which can be used to execute Javascript code on visitors’ devices when the links are clicked.

All Companies are at Risk, and the Majority Have Already Been Impacted by Malware

If you think only small to medium sized organizations are at risk from malware (due to IT security budgetary constraints) think again. Even the world’s largest corporations are at risk from malware. Earlier this year, Apple was targeted by hackers and suffered a serious malware attack. Full details of the extent of the attack were not disclosed, but a number of Apple Mac computers were compromised by the attackers.

How could the hackers install malware on the computers of such a security conscious company with exceptionally deep pockets? Via a perfectly legitimate website! Users had visited a software development website, with the hackers gaining access via an unpatched Java bug.

The biggest social media sites are not immune to attack either. Twitter suffered a malware attack that exposed the confidential accounts of approximately 250,000 users. This is believed to have happened as a result of the same unpatched Java vulnerability.

No Company is Immune to Cyber Attacks

Around this time last year, a medical equipment manufacturer called Neurocare was targeted by cyber criminals. In that attack, all employees of the organization were affected. In that case, it was not the company’s systems that were attacked directly. The malware came via the company’s payroll processor.

These are all very large companies. But last year hackers used malware to pull of an even bigger and bolder campaign, launching an attack on the International Monetary Fund (IMF). As you could well imagine, the IMF has rather robust security controls in place, yet even they proved no match for the hackers. The attackers just went for the weakest link: IMF employees.

That attack involved spear phishing. Individuals working for the IMF were targeted with a highly convincing campaign which allowed malware to be installed on their computers. That attack was highly sophisticated in nature, and is believed to have been orchestrated by a team of hackers who had received backing from foreign governments. Highly confidential data was exfiltrated in the attack.

Phishing Campaigns Have Proved to be Highly Effective

This year, Kaspersky Labs reported a sizable increase in phishing attacks involving Apple IDs. Two years ago, the average number of attacks per day was just 1,000. Only 12 months later that figure had jumped to 200,000 per day.

Even security firms are not immune to phishing scams. RSA, a prominent American computer and network security company, suffered a phishing attack that was caught by the company’s spam filter. The emails were quarantined, yet were opened from within, unleashing a Trojan that harvested data from employee accounts. RSA’s SecurID tagsix was compromised in that attack.

RSA should not be singled out of course. Even bigger companies have suffered at the hands of phishers. An estimated 20% of Fortune 500 companies have become victims of these campaigns. Even the world’s largest corporations have been hit in recent months. IBM has been affected, and bigger companies still. Microsoft and Google are also victims of phishers.

Beware of Blended Threats Delivered Through Spam Email

The web may now carry the highest risk of malware distribution, but email is still commonly used to deliver malicious software. It remains one of the commonest attack vectors used by phishers. Email spam can be used to attack any device capable of receiving and opening email. This means tablets and Smartphones are vulnerable to attack, not just laptop computers and desktops.

One of the biggest threats comes from blended attacks. These are spam emails that contain links to malicious websites, or even legitimate websites that have been infected with malware. These threats are more difficult to deal with. They require a different form of defense that uses a combination of standard email anti-spam controls along with web security defenses.

Spam may not be the favored choice of hackers these days, but it still represents a serious threat to businesses. Dealing with the emails can waste an extraordinary amount of time and money. Spam can take up huge amounts of bandwidth that affects all employees in a company. Dealing with spam adds significant amounts to operational budgets.

The messages by themselves may not be dangerous, but links to malicious websites can represent a serious problem, especially if staff members have not been warned how to identify malicious links. Infected attachments also place computer systems at risk. Both methods can be used to deliver malware, which has potential to cause a serious amount of damage.

A number of defenses can be used to reduce the risk of malware attacks. Anti-virus software is a must, as is a separate anti-malware shield and scanner. Anti-spam controls are vital, as they can prevent the delivery of phishing emails to employees. Web filtering solutions are also highly beneficial. If a spam email gets through to an endpoint user, the software can prevent a malicious website from being visited.

Unfortunately, there is no single control that can be used to prevent all attacks. The solution is to use multi-layered security defenses and to keep them updated.

11 Spam Filtering Essentials to Reduce Email Spam Risk

A spam filter is one of the best ways to reduce email spam risk; however regardless of whether you choose this important email security measure, there are a number of steps you can take to reduce email spam risk, keep your devices protected, and your valuable data out of the hands of spammers and scammers.

11 Spam Filtering Essentials to Reduce Network Security Risk

Listed below are 11 spam filtering essentials that you can implement to reduce spam volume and the risk of cyber attacks.

1.      A Real-Time Block List (RBL) is essential

Spam is commonly sent from a known spam server – one that has been blacklisted, or is known to be used by email spammers. Using a Real-time Block List (RBL) is one of the best protections, that will prevent malicious emails from being delivered to inboxes. This one email security feature has been shown to reduce spam email delivery by 70–90%, and it only takes a few minutes to implement.

Even if you use a spam filter this measure is important. It will reduce the load on your spam filter, email server, and network. An RBL works by blocking messages before they are downloaded, which will also help to save bandwidth. There are a number of ways to do this, although zen.spamhaus.org is one of the best. It is widely regarded as being the best at spam blocking, is updated frequently and importantly boasts a very low false-positive rate.

2.      Recipient Verification will block spam sent to invalid email addresses

Spammers like to bombard companies with emails in the hope that some will get through, or that a catch-all is in place and all will be delivered. Common email addresses used are webmaster@, info@, admin@, sales@ etc. etc. These email addresses are commonly used by companies and there is a good chance that they will be delivered to someone. However, you can use Recipient Verification (RV) to reject the bulk of these emails, and only have properly addressed emails delivered.

To do this, use Microsoft Active Directory integration or upload a CSV file of valid email addresses to your spam filter and mail server. This technique will prevent speculative emails from being downloaded and will similarly reduce the load on your spam filter and mail server, and save bandwidth. This method of spam prevention will take longer to complete than setting up your RBL, but it is a worthwhile investment of your time as it will result in a major reduction in spam delivery.

3.      Configure your server to require correct SMTP handshake protocols

This is one of the most effective methods of blocking spambots and it will stop the majority of spambot emails from being downloaded and delivered. This is a fairly quick task to complete, and should only take you a few minutes. You will need to set your configuration to require a HELO (EHLO) with a Fully Qualified Domain Name. However, it is important to note that it may be necessary to add some of your suppliers to a whitelist to ensure that their messages do not also get blocked. Not all of your suppliers and contacts will have their own email servers configured correctly, so genuine emails may be caught and blocked. Individual organizations will find this step particularly beneficial. MSPs less so, or not at all.

By using the above three spam prevention methods – which incidentally can be used on virtually all email servers – you will make a considerable bandwidth saving, and dramatically reduce the number of spam emails that are downloaded. This will also help to protect your network from malware. If you allocate just 30 minutes to do all three, it will save weeks of your time, which can be better spent on other cybersecurity tasks.

4.      Regularly scan for viruses

A basic security measure is use is a robust and powerful anti-virus program, regardless of whether you use spam filtering. If you don’t implement spam filtering, this measure is especially important, as you are more likely to have viruses delivered to email inboxes.

Even with spam filtering in place, it is also important to have anti-virus software installed and, of course, AV engine and virus definitions need to be kept up to date. Software should be configured to update definitions automatically.

With spam filtering in place, it should be possible to stipulate the update frequency. Be aware that a different anti-virus can be employed to protect endpoints. Using the same AV engine for mail servers and endpoints means that if for any reason your AV software does not detect a virus, all endpoints could potentially be affected. By using a different AV engine for endpoints and mail servers, you maximize the probability of a virus being detected. Fortunately, competition is fierce in this market, so you should not have to pay top dollar to have two different engines in use.

The following steps will apply if you have a spam filter. These will apply no matter which spam filter is used, be that open source, commercial or even cloud-based spam filtering.

5.      Certain attachments carry higher risks so block them!

Executable files – those with a .exe suffix – are particularly risky. Fortunately, it is not necessary to run the risk of a user double clicking on them. The best option is to block these file types and other risky file types if they are not typically needed by staff members. Be aware that spammers are sneaky. It is common knowledge that .exe files are risky, so they mask them with other extensions: PDF, XLS, DOC files for example. To counter this, block by MIME type, not by file extension.

6.      Take Action to Block Phishing Emails

Phishing emails can easily fool employees into clicking on links that direct them to URLs loaded with malware. There are a number of URLs that are recognized as phishing websites and it is possible to block these quickly and easily. To do this, use SURBL and URIBL lists to check for website domains that frequently appear in unsolicited emails.

7.      Ensure that your spam pattern library is regularly updated

You may find that your spam pattern library cannot be configured manually, as this may be hard-wired into your spam filter. Spam signatures are based on a huge database containing recently added spam, as well as past signatures, with the spam-fighting community adding to the database on a daily basis. There are many different resources that can be used, although if you want to ensure you have a fully up to date database of spam signatures, SpamAssassin is arguably the best choice.

8.      Bayesian filtering will recognize more spam and block less ham

A Bayes engine is used by most spam filtering engines and can be trained to recognize spam, and differentiate it from ham (i.e. not spam). It is therefore important to use a regularly updated spam pattern library, which will assign incoming emails with a score, in addition to using feedback provided by end users. The Bayes engine learns what is spam and what is not, and will apply the lessons learned to new emails that are received, constantly improving its detection rates to ensure all spam is caught, and false positives are reduced.

9.      Stipulate the spam score that is right for your company

As a system administrator you have the power to decide what spam score is right for your company. This will depend on how much risk you want to take. You will find that spam filters will usually allow you to dictate how aggressive they are, although you may find this requires a certain degree of tweaking to ensure that spam doesn’t get through and ham doesn’t get accidently blocked. A spam score is assigned by a number of factors, although the type of attachments and the email content are the two main ways that the spam score is calculated. This process is not particularly time consuming, but bear in mind that the first two weeks after your spam filter has been installed is when this task will need to be completed. Be sure to use your trial period to tweak your spam filter to ensure that spam is blocked and the number of false positives are kept to a minimum.

10. Get your end users working for you

Your spam filter will not always get things right, and some spam and junk emails will slip through the net from time to time. It is therefore useful to instruct end users to manually mark any spam and junk emails received, should they get delivered to their inboxes. End users can help to train your Bayes engine to recognize new spam emails and correct false positives.

11. Provide email security awareness training to employees

Nowadays it is essential that all staff members receive security awareness training. They must be taught how to identify spam emails, phishing campaigns, and potential viruses. They must also be informed of the correct actions to take if they do discover a phishing scam or suspect that an email may contain malware or a virus. Also instruct them on the correct actions to take if they do accidentally open a suspicious attachment.

Is it the job of a system administrator to train employees how to protect themselves and their computers? Arguably it is not, but it can save a lot of headaches down the line. Even a little training can go a very long way. Unfortunately, this is an area of email security that is all too often forgotten.

What is essential, is that employees are aware of the risks of falling for a phishing campaign or downloading malware. In some cases, it could spell the end of a company, and along with it, their jobs. You can always use CryptoLocker to scare employees into paying attention.

Training could well make all the difference. Besides, if you do provide training and employees still take risky actions and infect the network, you will have a clean conscience and can say it is not my fault! And be justified in saying it.

Scammers Use Fake LinkedIn Contacts to Develop Spear Phishing Campaigns

LinkedIn is a social networking website aimed at professionals, which helps them develop contacts, network, get new business, and find new employment opportunities. One of the main purposes of the site is to build up new contacts, making the site perfect for criminals looking to phish for information. The information that can be gathered can be used against individuals – or organizations – to conduct highly convincing spear phishing campaigns.

What is a Spear Phishing?

You may be aware of phishing, a technique used by criminals to get computer users to reveal their login names, passwords, credit card details and other highly sensitive information. Phishing is like using a trawl net behind a boat. The aim is to catch as much as possible. Sooner or later something will swim into the net. With phishing, spam emails are sent out in the millions in the hope that someone will respond. It is a numbers game, and the unwary will be caught.

Spear phishing on the other hand is not random. Individual victims are targeted. Spear phishing campaigns are often very convincing, and emails are sent containing information that is likely to fool a specific individual – or small group of individuals- into revealing passwords, login credentials, security codes or other information. These campaigns are also highly effective at getting users to click links to malicious websites, or open malware-infected email attachments.

How does Spear Phishing Work?

In order to convince users to install malware or reveal their sensitive information, those individuals must be convinced to take a specific action. To increase the chances of that happening, the criminals behind the campaigns need some nuggets of information. These could be gained from social media websites. People reveal a wealth of information about themselves on Twitter and Facebook, and some leave their accounts open for anyone to see.

LinkedIn is similarly being used by hackers to gain information about users, with the data harvested being utilized in future phishing and spamming campaigns. Data is collected on users, and used to devise phishing emails containing malicious software or links to malware-infected websites, or fake websites which convince users to enter in their sensitive details.  

LinkedIn Used by Scammers to Gather Sensitive Data

One of the latest scams identified involves the creation of fake LinkedIn contacts. Accounts are created by scammers, and then used to make connections with people in similar industries. Unfortunately, connecting with these individuals will allow them to obtain a wealth of information on you, such as your employment and education history, phone numbers and whatever information you add to your profile. In many cases, you will be supplying your entire CV to a hacker by accepting them as a contact. Fake LinkedIn contacts are now a major problem as they pose a big security risk.

This means that every contact must be vetted and assessed before you agree to a connection, and who has the time to do that?

How to Spot Fake LinkedIn Contacts

Fortunately, there are some common tells, and a little research (even a couple of minutes) can reveal fake LinkedIn contacts.

No photograph has been added

LinkedIn is all about making professional contacts. Photographs are therefore essential. People like to see who they are connecting with. If no photograph has been added, treat the account with extreme suspicion. Would the CEO of a mining company really be that concerned about someone finding out what he or she looks like?

Stock Photographs Used

Stock photographs can be purchased from image libraries for cents. Complete a quick Google image check against the user’s name and photo. If they are interested in business networking, their photo is likely to appear on other websites. If it appears under a different name, you will know the account is a fake.

Stolen Photographs Used

A photo search can reveal quite a lot of information about the genuineness of a contact. If your prospective contact is a librarian, it is perhaps unlikely they will also be a Ukrainian heavyweight boxing champion (Not necessarily of course!)

Numerous fake accounts have been created with the individuals claiming to be directors of companies. By day, they are the CEO of two or three different companies, by night they supplement their income by producing internet porn (Images have been taken from adult sites and used for LinkedIn). Unlikely perhaps, that CEOs would feel the need to do this.

Some fake LinkedIn accounts are very convincing

Not all fake LinkedIn accounts are suspicious. Many have extensive contacts, and a realistic profile. However often times that information has been lifted from other websites. Sometimes a photo will not have been used elsewhere online, but frequently the text has. One way of checking is to cut and paste small section of their profile and pasting it in Google. It may reveal that the data has been copied from a legitimate LinkedIn account or other social media site.

What is the Risk of Connecting with Fake LinkedIn Contacts?

There are a number of reasons why criminals go to the trouble of creating fake LinkedIn contacts. Spammers can use LinkedIn to obtain email addresses. Criminals can gain information to launch phishing campaigns and information can be gathered to commit identity theft. If a scammer can convince you they are genuine, they may create a fake job for you and get you to reveal some very sensitive information.

Of course the only way to be sure that you are not accepting fake LinkedIn contacts is to only connect with people you know, but that kind of defeats the whole purpose of the website. The answer is therefore to conduct a rudimentary check to make sure the person you are about to share information with is in fact genuine.

SpamTitan Technologies One of World’s Most Innovative Cybersecurity Companies

Ireland may not produce many highly innovative cybersecurity companies, but Galway-based SpamTitan technologies is bucking that trend. The company has recently been rising up the ranks and has now taken its place among the best cybersecurity companies in the world, according to the latest Cybersecurity Ventures report.

Only four Irish companies have made it into the Q2 2015 edition of the Cybersecurity Ventures Cybersecurity 500 list: Netfort, PixAlert, VigiTrust and SpamTitan Technologies, with SpamTitan now having ascended to position 123.

This is a major achievement, with the company having previously been placed at 393 for the previous quarterly report. The massive jump in position has been attributed to the hard work put in by all members of staff, who are committed to providing the best possible service in the fight against cybercrime. The company can now be considered one of the best, and also one of the hottest new prospects in the world of cybersecurity.

Each quarter, Cybersecurity Ventures publishes its new top 500 list, which features companies from all around the world. Experts in the field of cybersecurity assess companies for the efforts made, as well as determining each company’s potential. CISOs, VCs and a host of security professionals provide their input for the reports.

Many similar reports tend to focus on the size of the company, turnover and profits achieved. This list is different as it is more concerned with potential and innovation. Founder and CEO of Cybersecurity Ventures, Steve Morgan, said, “We do not think a list of the largest cybersecurity companies is useful to our target audience of cyber and IT security decision makers, evaluators, and recommenders”. He went on to say, “They already know who the biggest vendors are. Instead, we give a nod to the hottest and most innovative companies.” It is, after all, these companies that really need the recognition.

The list contains all of the hottest new prospects and top performers, with the ranking based on each company’s merits and prospects. Ronan Kavanagh, CEO of SpamTitan Technologies is proud of the rise in position, and the value of the list. After hearing of the new position in the top 125 cybersecurity companies, he said, “We recognize the importance of being included on such a significant industry list as the Cybersecurity 500.” He went on to say, “At SpamTitan, our staff are assisting our customers on a daily basis in dealing with the constant threat of cyber attack, and this is now as important for the smaller businesses as it is for the fortune 500 company. We are delighted to be working with Cybersecurity 500 in highlighting the need for vigilance and raising awareness for all businesses.”

For further information, and to find out the full list of top 500 companies, visit www.Cybersecurity500.com

Time to Beef Up Your Password Security (The Easy Way)

The administration of usernames and passwords is time consuming business, although there is some good news for system administrators. Both Yahoo and Google have now produced alternatives. Google’s Authenticator and the On-Demand passwords from Yahoo look like they could well be viable solutions, but at the present moment in time, they are not universal. It is probable in the short to medium term that passwords will be required as the last line of defense against cyberattacks. It is essential that the last line holds strong, so two-step verification must be implemented.

Since you are going to have to carry on using passwords for the immediate future, it is a good idea to make some changes that will make administration tasks a lot easier, more straightforward and less time-consuming. Furthermore, we recommend making some changes to ensure your last line of defense is particularly strong. It may be tested.

Improve the strength of your passwords

You can use a Single Sign On (SSO) session to gain access to everything. Many people do. Even cybercriminals. SSO makes life easier because you can access everything you need to with the one password. Unfortunately, a hacker or cyber-criminal only needs to compromise one password in order to gain access to everything as well.

If you decide to use an SSO approach, you had better be sure your password is secure. We advise you to use different passwords for each system and to make sure that each of those is secure. It is better to be safe than sorry.

Regardless of whether you opt for multiple passwords or go for the SSO approach, you need to make it as hard as possible for your password to be guessed. This applies to all network users not just IT staff.

Password controls should be used: Minimum character limits should be implemented, along with other controls to ensure only strong passwords are created.

Furthermore, you should help employees create stronger passwords. Research conducted by Carnegie Mellon University’s CUPS (CyLab Usable Privacy and Security) Laboratory has shown that the addition of numbers to passwords can help improve security, but they determined it is far easier to guess passwords when these are added to the end of a password. This is where many people add them. They use their normal password with the characters and numbers added to the end. It is easy to remember that way, it is accepted by the password controls.

Even when passwords do not contain numbers or symbols they can be more secure than short passwords containing numbers and symbols. “AGoodExampleOfASecurePassword” is easy to remember and doesn’t need to be written down. Write it down and there is a chance it will be found. It is actually much better than using “E&”F*$G” for example. That would be very hard to remember, especially if you have more than one password like that to commit to memory and you need to change it every month. You would need to write it down, which is a major risk.

Additionally, a long password is more secure than using any 6-digit code. That said, make sure at least one capital letter is used (preferably more) and a number and a symbol, and that they are not just added to the end.

Avoid using structural passwords

It is tempting to keep using structural passwords. Many companies use a password such as the individual’s initial and the first four digits of their surname plus four digits at the end. The problem is that if the structure is determined, it makes it easier to work out the passwords for the entire organization, including individuals with full system privileges. If they are simply too practical to give up, only use them for individuals with low-level privileges.

Enforce password changes regularly

The longer a password is used; the more opportunities an attacker has to crack it. If you enforce a change every month or two, this is much more secure than keeping the same password for a year. Since new passwords are difficult to remember, why not take advantage of one of the many password managers that exist, such as Dashlane or LastPass. They are also good at helping with password creation, especially for creating longer passwords (and remembering highly complex ones). For greater security use an offline password generator.

It is also worthwhile checking the strength of your password. Take advantage of the Password Assistant if you use a Mac. CUPS found that password strength meters are effective at ensuring secure passwords are created.

Be careful about your use of social media

Could your password be guessed by anyone with access to your Facebook account? Have you used your pet’s name and published that name on Facebook? Your password strength meter will not know if you have used your dog’s name as your password with an exclamation mark at the end. It will not know what you have published via social media.

Assume your social media accounts may be compromised, and never choose a password using your name, a pet’s name, house name, date of birth, or any other information that is accessible through your social media accounts.

Make your passwords ultra-secure and do your bit to protect your organization

If you use the above controls to ensure your passwords are secure, your organization will be better protected. If a security breach occurs, make sure that it is not your account that a hacker uses to gain access to your system.

Prevent Cyberattacks with Effective Password Management

Passwords are used to prevent unauthorized individuals from accessing accounts, services and software. They keep data and networks secure, they prevent bank accounts from being plundered and ensure only one person can access sensitive information. If passwords are obtained by a criminal, this excellent security measure is worth absolutely nothing.

The daily news is full of stories about companies that have had their security perimeter breached and usernames and passwords stolen. Keyloggers are installed that obtain passwords, and accounts are bombarded by robots trying combination after combination until the right sequence of numbers and letters is found. Dark net marketplaces list passwords for sale by the thousand, and username and password combos can be purchased for just a couple of dollars a set.

How do passwords actually get stolen?

There are many techniques that are used and a myriad of ways that passwords can be obtained. Some of the most common methods are details below:

Keyloggers – Installed on users’ computers via malicious websites and infected email attachments. They record keystrokes and transmit the information to a hacker’s command and control server

Phishing – Users give passwords away by responding to phishing campaigns

Hacking – Security vulnerabilities in websites are exploited and the Active Directory or LDAP database is stolen

Social Engineering – People give their login credentials to bogus callers, fake customer service personnel, or via IT support scams

Is it so easy for hackers to steal passwords?

Sometimes it can be, but oftentimes security controls prevent a username and a password from being obtained. Passwords are often hashed to prevent this. A login name is obtained, and the number of characters in a password, but not the actual password itself as it is often encoded. The hacker must decode the passwords before they can be used.

What is Password Encoding?

There is a big difference between encoding and encrypting. If data are encrypted, they cannot be unlocked without a security key. This is why ransomware is so effective. Once encrypted, data is inaccessible unless a security key is entered. Security keys cannot be guessed.

Encoding is different. The single data field is encoded using an algorithm that hashes the password. When a password is entered, the hashing algorithm checks the text against the stored hashed version of the password. If the two match, access to an application is granted.

So how are passwords guessed?

In UNIX, a hashed password is stored in an LDAP system, but the type of algorithm that was used to encode the password is also stored. The hacker can work out the password if they have a dictionary of hashed values corresponding to the algorithm used.

The dictionary can be searched to find out if there is a match. These dictionary attacks will not reveal every password, but they can identify some of the most common words used for passwords.

A dictionary can be created by running common words through the algorithm. If you run the word “password” through an MD5 encoding algorithm, the hash it produces will be the same as any other system that uses MD5 encoding. This is how passwords are often guessed. It is not a hacker sitting at a computer entering in different combinations one after another in the hope he or she gets lucky. They can quickly run hashed passwords through their dictionary. Many will be revealed.

This is why it is essential that common passwords are always avoided. “Password”, “123456”, “bigguy”, “administrator” etc. It is also why it is important to use more than a few characters. How long would it take a hacker to compile a list of hashed two digit passwords? By the time you get up to 6 or 8 digits, the possible combinations are too numerous to compute. Since hashing allows up to 255 characters, it is not realistic for a super dictionary to be created. However, since many people use common words, and most use 5 or 8 digit passwords, a surprising number can be very rapidly guessed.

If you also use a common word you are asking for trouble, and if you also share passwords across multiple accounts, everything will be compromised if one is guessed.

Facebook Hacks Compromise 145 Million Accounts

Facebook hacking is rife and, if it happens to you, you are not alone. Unfortunately, there is no one to blame other than yourself. Facebook hacking is caused, in the vast majority of cases, by poor security practices and a lack of security awareness.

Facebook accounts get hacked because:

  • Passwords are stolen in phishing attacks
  • Two-factor account authentication is not used
  • Passwords are shared across multiple sites
  • Keyloggers have been installed on a computer used to access Facebook

If a hacker manages to obtain one password, chances are that same password is used on other sites. Criminals sell passwords online, and there are plenty of would be purchasers. Hackers even buy them on exchanges. Sharing passwords across sites is therefore very bad news, especially on sites that have poor security practices.

Fortunately, on Facebook at least, if you are hacked you can report it easily and should be able to recover your account.

A blocked Facebook account does not necessarily mean you have been hacked!

Facebook does frequently block user accounts. It does this as a security precaution, which is good for all users and offers some peace of mind. How often are accounts blocked? About 600,000 times a day, according to TechCrunch!

That is an awful lot of compromised accounts, yet do bear in mind that Facebook has over a billion users. So 600,000 represents just 0.06% of the total. Which is 6/10,000 if you prefer fractions to percentages.

When Facebook blocks an account is because the account has potentially been compromised. According to Facebook, this occurs when “we are not absolutely confident that the account’s true owner is accessing the account and we either pre-emptively or retroactively block access.”

This means that there is suspicious activity, Facebook often errs on the side of caution and blocks access. That could indicate an account has been hacked, or that action is being taken to prevent the account from being hacked. The good news is that when this happens, only the real owner can get the account unblocked. In theory at least.

When the figures of the number of blocked accounts emerged, the story was widely misreported in the media. Facebook was accused of a “shocking lack of security,” but the compromised account definition had not been read by many Facebook users, and even some reporters. Also bear in mind, that those 600,000 blocked accounts will include many false positives.

Determining exactly how many Facebook accounts have been hacked is rather difficult, unless you work for Facebook and have access to that data. It is possible however to come up with a fairly reasonable estimate, based on research conducted by security and market research firms. Their data can be used to get a reasonable estimate.

Take Statista’s figures for example. It conducted surveys on individuals who had been hacked, and 66% said they had had their Facebook accounts compromised. Then combine that with study data from Pew Research. The company determined that the volume of “internet users have had an email or social networking account compromised or taken over by someone else without permission” was 22%.

Using a simple calculation an estimate can be obtained: There are 1 billion Facebook users. 22% of individuals claim to have had an account hacked, and Statista says 66% of those were Facebook accounts. That works out at 145 million users, which should be a fairly reasonable estimate.

Fortunately, Facebook security is robust. A mobile phone is required as part of the account recovery process, so you would need to have lost that as well in order for your challenge question to be used to login. SSL certificates prevent network snooping, and the brute force approach will be prevented by Facebook’s security controls. But phishing scams are likely to leave your account open.

Fortunately, there are ways that you can protect yourself, and your Facebook account.

It can be difficult to avoid phishing scams, and all too easy to fall for one. One of the best defenses is to use Antispam software. SpamTitan’s software will prevent phishing campaigns from being delivered to your inbox. Parental controls at home, and web filtering controls at the office are excellent ways of blocking malicious links.

Unfortunately, not all access points have the above controls, so you will have to rely on common sense and become more security aware. For example:

  • Never click on a link that appears to take you to an unfamiliar site.
  • Never open email attachments sent from unfamiliar senders.
  • Use different passwords – don’t share them between websites
  • Use complex passwords, containing characters, capitals, and numbers
  • Don’t share everything about your life on social media
  • Change passwords regularly, certainly every 6 months
  • Don’t reuse passwords
  • Keep your anti-spam software, virusguard, and anti-malware programs updated, and scan regularly
  • Set your account recovery options and security questions as if they were passwords

And remember, just because you have friends and family on Facebook, don’t let it create a false sense of security. You can never be sure how security conscious they are! Complacency is likely to leave you vulnerable to hackers.

If your Facebook account has been hacked, let us know. We want to hear your stories!

Phishing Emails Tripled in 2014, Says Kaspersky Labs

Phishing emails may not account for a high percentage of total email traffic, but they are becoming more prevalent. In fact, since 2014 the growth of these malware spreading emails has tripled, according to a new report issued by Kaspersky Labs.

Kaspersky determined that the percentage of phishing emails in total email traffic is now 0.0071%. Compare that to spam emails which accounted for 66.34% of all email traffic in the first quarter of 2014, and the figure seems very small. However, the damage that can be caused by the emails is considerable. For some companies, the damage can be catastrophic. When phishing emails lead to financial losses, funds can rarely be recovered.

Phishing emails are becoming increasingly common, but spam appears to have declined a little. A fall of 6.42% was registered since the last quarter of 2013.

Social Media Overtakes Email as Main Method of Phishing Campaign Delivery

Phishing campaigns are frequently delivered to potential victims via email. A link to a malicious website is sent – often randomly – to individuals in the hope that they are fooled into clicking. That link will take the person to a website where they are required to enter confidential data such as login names and passwords. Oftentimes, visiting the website will result in malware being downloaded to the visitor’s computer.

Spam emails are still favored by cyber criminals in some countries such as China and South Korea; however, social media has now overtaken email as the main method of delivery of phishing campaigns according to Kaspersky.

This may not come as a surprise. Rather than hackers sending the campaigns to new victims, victims of phishing campaigns share the links voluntarily (and unwittingly) via Twitter and Facebook pages. Infecting new computers could not be any easier.

Infected email attachments are still a popular method of malware and virus delivery. If these attachments are opened, the user will install malware and viruses on their device.

Top Ten Malicious Programs Spread by Email

Even with the rise in popularity of social media for malware delivery, spam emails are still responsible for spreading a huge volume of malware. In Quarter 2 of 2014 alone, Kaspersky Labs were able to block an incredible 528,799,591 malware attacks. The volume of different types of malware is also astonishing. During the same period, Kaspersky Labs detected and blocked 114,984,065 unique potentially unwanted objects.

Many of the viruses and malicious programs are camouflaged to look innocent. Take the most popular malicious program used by cyber criminals as an example. Trojan-Spy.HTML.Fraud.gen appears to be a standard HTML page containing a form for online banking. When data is entered, the information is transmitted to hackers who are then able to use the information to gain access to users’ bank accounts.


Cybercriminals Earning over $100 Billion a Year

Cybercriminal attacks are increasing in frequency and severity, and this is unlikely to change given the huge sums of cash that can be obtained. According to recent estimates by the FBI, the proceeds of cyber crime are in the region of $100 billion per year. The bad news is that criminals are devising ever more sophisticated ways of attacking organizations, and many of those organizations are ill-prepared to deal with the risks. Oftentimes even basic security measures against cyber attacks are found to be lacking. This is due to extremely limited IT security budgets, which hamper efforts to deal with all the threats.

Many organizations do not have clear and concise IT security policies in place, and do not place an individual in overall charge of cybersecurity. Sometimes there is not even a dedicated IT security professional employed and many organizations are still not providing all members of staff with security awareness training.

A failure to employ the appropriate staff, allocate sufficient budgets to IT security and train the staff can prove very costly indeed. Lost and stolen data, system downtime and drained bank accounts result in far heavier losses than the cost of implementing security measures to prevent attacks. Even the cost of new IT security staff will pay dividends in the long run.

Staff Security Awareness Training is Critical

Spam emails and phishing campaigns generally have one of two main aims: To trick users into revealing sensitive information or to fool people into downloading and installing malicious software and code. The latter allows hackers to take control of computers and infiltrate networks.

Spam and phishing emails can be very convincing, yet there are a number of tell-tale signs that emails are not all they appear to be. By providing training to staff members on these tell-tale signs, the risk of employees falling for a scam can be drastically reduced.

Email Security Solutions Must be Employed to Protect Sensitive Data from Attack

Can you be sure that staff members will be vigilant and security aware? Unfortunately, even with training, employees will make mistakes. They are human after all. It is therefore important to install security solutions that will limit the volume of spam emails that are delivered to employees’ inboxes.

One of the best solutions is a spam filter such as SpamTitan Anti-Spam. This data security solution has now been employed by IT security professionals in over 120 countries around the world. They benefit from being able to block over 99.7% of spam emails.

Since SpamTitan uses two separate anti-virus engines (Bitdefender and Clam AV) the catch rate is particularly high. Furthermore, SpamTitan includes an anti-phishing module as standard that filters out emails containing links to known malicious websites. This further reduces the risk of an employee accidentally clicking on a link and downloading malicious software. Consequently, SpamTitan is one of the best investments to protect against cyber attacks.

It is Vital to Reduce Your Company’s Data Footprint

You may be trying to reduce your company’s carbon footprint, but what efforts have you made to reduce your company’s data footprint?

If your company is attacked and hackers gain control of your servers, they will not be able to gain access to data that are not stored on your systems. If you use cloud archiving, you can migrate old data that you are not legally permitted to delete and keep your company information safe and secure. It is possible to reduce your company’s data footprint without incurring major expenses.

Use the cloud to reduce your company’s data footprint

The cloud offers many advantages to companies. It is not just a matter of protecting data from attack. Data need to be stored somewhere and the hardware required is expensive. Space must be dedicated to storage, which could be much better purposed. A server room doesn’t make most companyies any money. An extra telemarketing operation based in the same space would. It would arguably expose the company to less risk.

The huge cost of data storage can be avoided

Data storage requires hardware, and that hardware costs a lot of money to purchase, keep supplied with power, and kept cool. Hardware can also malfunction spontaneously, or as a result of power spikes and cooling issues. It is no surprise that the cloud has proved so popular. It eliminates the cost of purchasing and maintaining rooms of computer equipment.

Amazon realized this and started its Amazon AWS business. Small businesses especially would benefit, as they would not need to buy expensive hardware. Large companies could make huge savings, reducing staff costs as well as equipment costs.

Cloud services benefit all

There were a number of things that all came together to allow Amazon AWS – and cloud computing in general – to be offered to businesses. Virtualization was critical, as were Microsoft Hypervisor and VMware. Companies such as Amazon were able to use a single server to run multiple systems and to divide those among its customers. Standardization resulted in data being transferred to the cloud. After all, it didn’t make sense to have a separate device for every function and, if those devices could be housed in a huge data center with the cost covered by someone else, that made a lot of sense.

Of course, it is not just the cost of the equipment and the running cost that can be saved. Computers require software and software is licensed. Every license adds to the cost. For cloud service providers it makes sense, as they can get a lower license cost by buying hundreds or thousands of licenses. The same goes for equipment purchases. Amazon AWS gets a much better price on its tens of thousands of computers than a company that only requires one.

Staff costs are reduced because one dedicated individual can service many hundreds of servers. They can also be given tools to do this to reduce the time it takes. This is not an option for SMBs.

Is it possible to reduce your company’s data footprint and stay secure?

Unfortunately, no data protections are 100% secure. If you want to reduce your company’s data footprint, you will not reduce your level of risk to zero. It doesn’t matter where data are located, there will be a possibility that the data can be accessed. The aim is to maximize security and reduce risk as far as possible, but you will never get that risk down to 0%.

Cloud storage however is likely to be as close to 0% as you are likely to get as a small business owner. The protections put in place to secure cloud data are considerable. Cloud service providers must ensure their customers’ data are protected, because a data breach could potentially destroy all faith in their business. As a result, highly sophisticated multi-layered security defenses are used. The data are protected by teams of personnel, 24/7. The resources available to cloud service providers are many orders of magnitude greater than those available to a SME. In short, the cloud will give you the best security you are likely to be able to get.

Cloud archiving and backups also ensure that state and federal regulations are satisfied. SOX and HIPAA require data to be backed up and stored off site. Those backups must also be secured. If data is encrypted and stored in the cloud, even if a security breach does occur, the data will not be accessible by the hacker. Use a cloud service provider that encrypts data at rest and in motion, and you will have the best security you can get. You will just need to make sure your encryption keys are not stolen.

Backup your data but maintain an email archive for GDPR compliance

With your data backed up and secured in the cloud you will be protected against data loss, but what about accessing your data? With a backup you will be limited. If you need to access certain files, or search for data elements, you will need an email archive. An email archive is a store of data that you can use whenever you need to. You can recover or access email data as and when required without having to restore everything as you would need to do if you only had a backup.

An email archive will certainly be of benefit to companies that retain EU citizens´ personal data on email. Following the enactment of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), EU citizens now have the right to request access to personal information, correct or complete it where necessary, and delete it (the “right to be forgotten”) when there is justifiable cause. Companies that rely solely on backed up data may face a logistical nightmare to respond to data access requests within the thirty days allowed.

Furthermore, a cloud-based email archiving solution is more likely to protect data from loss, theft or unauthorized disclosure as required by GDPR. With audit logs and real-time monitoring, companies will be able demonstrate their efforts to comply with the EU regulations – a mitigating factor should a data breach occur.

ArcTitan – The convenient and cost-effective email archiving solution

You may want to reduce your company’s data footprint, but some data needs to be accessed and searched often. Email for example. You can create a backup of your PST files, but restoring them means restoring the whole email account and that can take hours. On top of that, all mail items will be restored, even those that are no longer required.

An email archive is the logical solution. Individual emails can be accessed and restored when needed. If you ever need to access files stored in an email account, or access old emails, you can with an email archive: Quickly and easily. The archive is tamper-proof, ensuring a permanent copy of each original email is retained – Something that is essential for compliance and to meet eDiscovery requirements.

ArcTitan allows data from Google Docs, Office 365, MS Exchange, Zimbra and Lotus to be restored, as well as individual emails. Searches can be performed to find the required email or document. Plain text queries can be made from a desktop, laptop, mobile phone or tablet. The data does not need to be retrieved first, as the search can be performed and then the individual file or email accessed.

All emails stored securely on Replicated Persistent Storage on AWS S3 and are automatically backed up. ArcTitan features single instance storage, which means that only one copy of of the email is stored. This is achieved through de-duplication of messages. Not only does this reduce storage space, it means searches are much faster. When you search, instead of returning multiple copies of the same email, your list will only include unique emails, which makes finding the email you need much faster. How fast? You can search up to 30 million emails a second, and emails are automatically sent to the archive at a rate of around 200 a second.

Move your data to the cloud and you can lower your operational costs, improve data security, and access your data whenever you need to. You can reduce your data footprint without violating state and federal regulations, and still maintain access. Store your backed up data in an encrypted file in the cloud, and maintain access to your old emails by creating an email archive in the cloud.

Some of the Main Features of ArcTitan

  • Scalable, email archiving that grows with your business
  • Email data stored securely in the cloud on Replicated Persistent Storage on AWS S3
  • Lightning fast searches – Search 30 million emails a second
  • Rapid archiving at up to 200 emails a second
  • Automatic backups of the archive
  • Email archiving with no impact on network performance
  • Ensure an exact, tamperproof copy of all emails is retained
  • Easy data retrieval for eDiscovery
  • Protection for email from cyberattacks
  • Eliminate PSTs and other security risks
  • Facilitates policy-based access rights and role-based access
  • Only pay for active users
  • Slashes the time and cost of eDiscovery other formal searches
  • Seamless integration with Outlook
  • Supports single sign-on
  • Save and combine searches
  • Perform multiple searches simultaneously
  • Limits IT department involvement in finding lost email – users can access their own archived email
  • Compliant with regulations such as HIPAA, SOX, GDPR, Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, etc.

Want to Boost Productivity and Save Money? Then Archive Old Emails!

Is archiving old emails worthwhile?

For a business, archiving old emails is essential. It can save time, money and also prevent legal issues.

Even so, many companies do not archive old emails and use backups instead. This is a mistake. The purpose of a backup is to allow lost data to be recovered in the event of a system failure, accidental deletion, fire, or cyberattack. Any time data is lost, it can be restored from a backup tape. A backup is therefore an important failsafe.

Backups are not typically saved for a long period of time. Backup tapes are used again and should not be kept indefinitely. If you store backups for legal reasons and have thousands of tapes, you will be spending a small fortune on the wrong technology.

The reason? Backups are not designed to be searchable. If a file is present in a backup it can be restored, but searching for information in a backup file can be difficult and time consuming. Finding information can really be a chore.

An archive is different because email archiving allows fast searches to be conducted. If you sent an email on a particular date, to a particular person, it would be a relatively easy task to obtain this from a backup. However, if you sent an email containing information about a report, or you can only remember certain words, finding that email in a backup could be very difficult indeed. Fortunately, an email archive can easily be searched. Just use a particular word or search term and you will be able to find the missing email in next to no time at all.

Legal requirements for storing data (HIPAA, SOX, GDPR, etc.)

There are legal requirements relating to stored data. Many industries are required to keep data for a long period of time. If a legal request is made to supply data under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, finding the required information can take an extraordinary amount of time. It may be necessary to search through many different daily backup tapes to find the required information.

The same scenarios apply if a company works in a regulated industry and is legally required to store data under the Healthcare Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) or Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX). Outside of regulated industries, companies storing the personal data of EU citizens on email have to comply with data access requests within thirty days under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This could be a logistical problem for many EU-facing companies without a searchable email archive.

An email archiving solution that automatically copies emails as they pass through the mail server also complies with legal requirements stipulating an electronically stored information must be “immutable” – i.e. presented in its original form without alteration. Indeed, GDPR insists that mechanisms must be put in place to prevent the accidental or deliberate alteration or deletion of emails as well as to prevent loss, theft or unauthorized disclosure. Back up tapes do not fulfill this requirement.

Email archiving can save you money

  • Due to the security risk, backups are often encrypted. To find information, data must be unencrypted, sifted through, restored, and encrypted again. This takes time. In an email archive, information can be obtained much more quickly.
  • The more storage space you need the more it will cost. Using backup tapes is an expensive way of storing old data. Email archiving on the other hand allows storage space to be used much more efficiently. Archiving systems can remove duplicates and that can save a considerable amount of space.
  • It is easy to move an archived email from one location to another. Migration is simple, even when moving to an updated server.
  • Space is at a premium, especially when it comes to email. Email is usually housed on a server that has limited space. Limits have to be set on individual mailboxes, which means many users end up deleting emails when they have reached their storage limit. Busy professionals don’t have time to do this and typically delete huge volumes of emails – including many that are important. IT departments then get requests a few days later asking for a hastily deleted email to be restored from a backup tape. An efficient archiving system eliminates this headache.
  • Old emails need to be checked to identify data leakage. When an insider is found to have stolen data it is essential to check email accounts to find out what has been stolen. When audits have to be conducted, it is far easier with archived email than obtaining data from backups.

The flexibility provided by an email archiving system is essential for businesses. It makes old emails much easier to locate, information can be retrieved rapidly, and it is a more cost efficient method of storing old data than backups. If you have yet to implement an efficient archiving system, now is the time to do so. In the long run it will save you a lot of time, effort, and money.

Human Behavior Being Exploited By Phishers

Cyber criminals are using phishing to lure web visitors into revealing their sensitive data. Internet surfers are presented with a baited hook, which draws them into revealing login names, passwords, security keys and other valuable data.

The technique can be employed by individuals with little to no hacking skill, luring users to a malware-ridden website in exchange for payment. There are plenty of would-be criminals looking to make a quick buck, and since the campaigns can be so effective, online thieves and criminals are increasingly using this technique to make money.

Many online criminals use phishing in random campaigns sent via email. There is little skill involved. It is simply a numbers game. If enough emails are sent, sooner or later someone will respond and fall for the bait. However, we are now seeing much more sophisticated campaigns launched.

It used to be easy to spot a phishing email. They were littered with grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. Images were used that were clearly fake, and the emails would only fool the most unsuspecting computer user. They claimed victims, nonetheless, but only a few.

Some of the phishing emails now being sent are extremely convincing and very difficult to identify. Even well trained, security-conscious IT professionals have fallen for some of the scams. The reason? They work by exploiting traits in human behavior and use techniques that are particularly effective at drawing the required response.

Human Traits Successfully Being Manipulated by Hackers

Cyber criminals are exploiting human behavior to get users to click on links to malicious websites or open attachments. They rely on common traits that are all but guaranteed to get the desired response. The male of the species, for instance, is easily tricked into opening an apparent JPEG file if he is promised a glimpse of bare female flesh. An offer of sex from an unknown admirer can also work particularly well.

Not everyone is motivated by sex. For others the promise of financial gain does the trick. Criminals exploit greed to get users to click on a link. A money making scheme, or a hot stock tip, can entice many people to click on a link. Curiosity is also exploited. Major news events, conspiracy theories, celebrity news, and information on natural disasters have all been used by email spammers and scammers to get people to visit a malware site or open an email attachment.

Even the sense of duty has been exploited. Emails are sent from the accounts of work colleagues, bosses, civil authorities or law enforcement officers. These are effective at fooling users into complying with requests.

By exploiting human traits and evoking emotions, recipients of these scam and spam emails swallow the hook, and often the line and sinker too.

Spear Phishing: Effort Put in is Rewarded with More Victims

The sending of millions of mistake-ridden emails results in very few individuals falling for the scams. When email spam filtering software is employed, the filters will prevent these emails from even being delivered.

However, a little research goes a long way. Phishers who invest time into researching victims can see the time they spend on the campaign really pay off. A search on social media will reveal a considerable amount of information on an individual. Employers can be found on LinkedIn, Facebook can be used to find out friends’ names, and Twitter exploited to find out a user’s interests.  With this information, highly effective campaigns can be developed.

These phishing campaigns are referred to as spear phishing. As the name suggests, the hacker goes after one fish. These campaigns can be incredibly effective as they exploit trust. If an email is sent that appears to be from a friend or colleague, it is far more likely to be opened. But how is this possible?

SMTP Weaknesses Are Exploited by Phishers

Unfortunately, the SMTP protocol contains a security weakness. Hackers can exploit this weakness to mask the true sender of an email and the return address. To the casual viewer it appears that the email has been sent from a known individual, and even replying to the mail appears to direct it to the correct mail recipient.

Fortunately, a spam or phishing email is not dangerous. It requires an action to be taken by the recipient. Deleting such an email will delete the risk. Only opening the attachment, downloading it, or visiting a link contained in the email will result in the delivery of malware, a virus or the installation of malicious code.

Unfortunately, while most employees know never to double click on a file with a .exe extension, file extensions can be all to easily masked. They can be made to appear as a PDF file or JPEG, or other supposedly innocent file type. Without training, users are likely to open these attachments, and unwittingly activate the executable file.

The way to prevent users from clicking on links and opening attachments is to provide them with security awareness training. Teach staff members how to identify phishing campaigns, and they can check the genuineness of emails before they take action. Developing a culture of security awareness is therefore essential in the fight against cyber crime.

Blocking the emails with a spam filter is even better. That way, the email will never be downloaded and delivered. Unfortunately, from time to time emails do slip through the net. When that happens, employees must know how to react.

Training is therefore important even if a robust and reliable spam filter is used. After all, it is best to be shown how to deal with a phishing email that never arrives than to fall for the first one that gets past a spam filter.

Do Hackers Ever Get Caught and Punished for Their Crimes?

The news is full of reports of data breaches that have been suffered by companies and even governments. Numerous media reports detail how hackers have managed to obtain tens of thousands of confidential records, or in some cases, tens of millions or more. However, it is rare that a hacker is caught and brought to justice for the crimes committed.

Recently, a hacking group in Russia was reported to have stolen a staggering 1 billion passwords. If that was not shocking enough, the authorities know the individuals are located in central Russia. They are also in their early 20s. If they have been identified, why have they not been arrested?

Bringing hackers to justice is complicated

In this case, there are problems because it is the United States that wishes to take action. The crimes were committed against Americans but some countries are unwilling to turn over their own citizens to other countries. In this case, should the criminals be tried in Russia or in the United States? Where should justice occur, where the crimes were committed or in the country most affected by the crimes? Should hackers be extradited?

If there is no treaty in place between two countries, hackers will be tried and sentenced (or not) in their own countries. The United States has tried to get five Chinese hackers extradited and brought to the United States to face trial. They worked for the Chinese military. China is unlikely to take any action, and certainly will not release them to the United States. The individuals are believed to be behind attacks on Alcoa, U.S. Steel and Westinghouse, as well as on other U.S. firms. The criminals were indicted, but that is as far as the U.S. got. They are very likely working on new hacks against U.S. companies.

In some cases, hackers do not need to be extradited. The FBI has previously tricked hackers into coming over to the United States voluntarily. By doing so the tricky issue of extradition has been avoided. The FBI set up a job interview for two hackers using a fake Seattle company. The pair, Alexey Ivanov and Vasily Gorshkov, arrived for the interview and were promptly arrested. The latter received a sentence of 3 years, the former got 48 months.

Spam email kingpin sent 30% of all junk emails!

If you are a cybercriminal or spammer and you have launched attacks on Americans, it is a wise move never to visit the country. However, some just can’t resist. When visiting a car show in Las Vegas in 2010, Russian super-spammer, Oleg Nikolaenko, was arrested and charged for his crimes. He had used a botnet to send the spam emails. That botnet included a staggering half a million computers. Even more staggering was the volume of emails he sent. An estimated 10 billion per day. He is awaiting trial.

Hackers are very good at hiding their real identities and consequently can be difficult to locate. It can be even harder to bring them to justice.

It should come as no surprise to hear that many successful hackers are based in countries that offer protection against extradition to the United States. Unless there are international laws signed, and more cooperation between countries to tackle the global problem of cybercrime, they are unlikely to be tried and sentenced for their offenses.

Top 5 Spam Catching Ranking and VBSpam+ Certification for SpamTitan

There is good news for users of SpamTitan Technologies’ anti-spam solutions. The company’s innovative solutions for dealing with email spam have been awarded VBSpam+ certification from Virus Bulletin. The Virus Bulletin anti-spam software tests are widely regarded to include some of the email security industry’s most rigorous tests, and the results are trusted by industry professionals and users alike.

The anti-spam award is only issued to companies whose spam solutions are shown to be effective in practice. Any product that fails to block sufficient volumes of spam emails will not receive accreditation. SpamTitan has performed consistently will in Virus Bulletin Tests, and this is the 28th consecutive time that the company has received an anti-spam ranking from the bi-monthly tests run by Virus Bulletin.

In contrast to previous tests, Virus Bulletin has assessed products on two counts this time around. Spam catch rates were examined in addition to the number of false positives. Overactive anti-spam products that block genuine emails can cause many headaches for businesses. Any email that is incorrectly blocked could potentially mean the loss of a client. It is therefore essential for an anti-spam solution to have a very low false positive rate.

When tested in May 2014, SpamTitan registered 0 false positives. In March when the test was last run, SpamTitan also registered a false positive rate of 0. These results were among the best recorded for all email spam solutions tested by Virus Bulletin. In fact, SpamTitan has only recorded one false positive result since November 2013, demonstrating the consistency of the product. It continues to deliver industry-leading standards of spam-detection. Users of the product also benefit from an extremely competitive pricing model.

SpamTitan Demonstrated a Spam Catch Rate of 99.81%

The May 2014 test for spam blocking saw SpamTitan register a catch rate of 99.81%, with only a slight drop registered since the test was last performed in March, when 99.85% of spam emails were blocked. The consistent results and superior spam-blocking also saw the company receive its fourth VBSpam+ award for exceptional performance. This earned the company a position in the Top 5 anti-spam products under test. The spam-catching percentages achieved over the past months have also been very high, with the lowest rating being 99.73% (January 2014.)

CEO of SpamTitan Technologies, Ronan Kavanagh, was proud of the high ranking and spoke of the importance of having an independent third party conduct performance tests. He pointed out that the Virus Bulletin test results can be trusted as they have no bias. Organizations looking to deploy an anti-spam solution can therefore rely on the results and choose accordingly. Companies already using anti-spam software can also view the results to assess how well their chosen product fares against the competition.

An anti-spam solution must be effective, as any spam emails that get past the filter could potentially result in a phishing email being delivered to an employee. The high catch rate shows the quality of the product that uses not one but two different anti-virus engines to ensure dangerous emails prevented from being downloaded and delivered to end users.

233 Million Customers Affected, Yet eBay Fails to Notice 3-Month Data Breach

eBay customers have started to receive emails advising them to change their passwords. Their user names and passwords have been obtained by hackers, and a new password must be set for security reasons.

Unfortunately for many eBay account holders, the requests to change passwords have not been sent by eBay, but by phishers. The emails contain a link to a website which looks like eBay, but it isn’t. It is a fake website devised to get users to reveal their current passwords. This sneaky phishing campaign is likely to catch out many eBay account holders.

Data breach was suffered, but not identified for 2 months

In late February/early March, three employees of eBay had their login credentials compromised in a cyberattack. The cybercriminals used the login credentials to access a database containing the names of 233 million site users. Phone numbers, addresses, email addresses, dates of birth, and customer names were stolen, along with encrypted passwords.

In early May, eBay became aware of the breach, two months after it occurred. The company then waited a couple of weeks to make the announcement. The delay was because eBay didn’t realize that account information had actually been stolen. It took the best part of a month to realize data were actually stolen in the attack. Fortunately, PayPal information was not compromised and neither was any financial information.

A breach that does not involve bank account details or credit card information being exposed can still be serious and, in this instance, eBay account holders are at risk.

Passwords may have been encrypted but hackers I’ll be able to guess some as they have a lot of personal data. Dates of birth for example. They are often used as passwords. Since email addresses were obtained, the victims that have not had their passwords guessed are now being spammed with phishing campaigns.

Most customers will be aware of the exposure of their data and as a result, they may believe the phishing emails to be genuine. If they do, they will inadvertently reveal their passwords when they attempt to change them.

Investigations launched into the eBay data breach

Investigations into the eBay data breach have now been launched by state attorneys general in three States – Connecticut, Illinois and Florida. In Europe investigations are also being conducted. The attorney general of New York has spoken out about his expectations. He believes credit protection services should be offered to breach victims without charge. At the present moment in time, eBay has no plans to offer any risk remediation services to customers.

eBay has been criticized for the slow identification of the breach, as well as the slow response when it was discovered. Initially there were no victims, then there were 145 million. eBay finally settled on 233 million accounts.

It may not be a problem for spammers to send 233 million emails, but for eBay that has taken some time. The company tweeted news of the breach, but email notifications took a considerable amount of time to be sent. This may have resulted in more individuals responding to the phishing requests.

eBay breach victims must exercise caution

A data breach of this magnitude, affecting a company as large as eBay, is worrying. How good were the security measures it had in place? Why was the phishing campaign not identified before three people responded? Why were the phishing emails not blocked and prevented from being delivered? Only time will tell.

Since information has been compromised, and hackers are now attempting to guess passwords based on the personal data they have acquired, it is a wise security precaution for account holders to login to the site directly and change their passwords. They should not respond to an email, as it may be a phishing campaign.

Hacked Domain Takes Down ISP and Results in Customer Exodus

Unfortunately, all it takes to lose swathes of customers and destroy the reputation an ISP is for a single email spammer to get a block of your IP addresses blacklisted by a number of ESPs and RBLs. It is a nightmare scenario, yet it is one that could all too easily play out.

Customers using any of the blacklisted domains would have their outbound emails blocked and, if they cannot send emails, they will leave in their droves for another provider. Perhaps even worse than losing those valuable customers will be the comments they invariably post all over the Internet. Negative feedback can seriously damage a company’s reputation and it can take a long time for a damaged reputation to be restored.

There are steps that can be taken to at least temporarily fix the situation. The IP addresses affected could be swapped, and netblock could be used as a temporary fix. Unfortunately, recovering blacklisted IP addresses is a very slow process. During this time, other IP address blocks could be lost.

Managing risk is difficult. It is possible to set limits on the number of emails that can be sent by a particular domain. Alerts can be configured to identify a domain that is being used to send spam, and it may be caught in time to prevent blacklisting. IP netblocks can be changed should it not be possible to prevent a domain being blacklisted by ESPs and RBLs.

The process of undoing the damage caused by spammers is a nightmare as well. New domains must be warmed up, and efforts made to ensure they are operated within acceptable ESP limits. Otherwise they will just get blacklisted again and the process must restart.

Fortunately, there is a solution that can be adopted by MSPs and ISPs that can prevent blacklisting. Install the latest version of SpamTitan!

SpamTitan v6.3 includes outbound email filtering

SpamTitan will prevent spam emails from being delivered to inboxes; however, version 6.3 also includes a sophisticated and powerful outbound email filter that can be used to prevent spam emails from being sent from accounts. If a domain is hijacked and used to send spam emails, or is used by an individual within your organization, the emails will be blocked and the ESP will not be alerted.

SpamTitan v6.3 uses the same identifiers to clean and filter outbound email as it does for incoming spam. System administrators can set rate limits by email address, IP address range, or domain.

If an organization needs to send a high volume of emails, to avoid inadvertently causing problems with an ESP, a pool of IP addresses can be used to send email and these can be rotated. This allows risk to be effectively managed. Damage to the reputation of IP addresses and the business itself can be easily prevented.

Any MSP providing multiple client domains can implement SpamTitan v6.3 and ensure that emails are sent safely, while the risk of blacklisting is kept to a bare minimum. The Anti-Spam solution will also ensure that incoming emails are cleaned and spam is quarantined, while the Anti-phishing module will protect against malicious attachments.