
Commonly Asked Questions About Email Sandboxing

Commonly asked questions about email sandboxing so you know what to expect from an email security solution with a sandbox, and why this advanced feature is vital for email security.

What is an Email Sandbox?

One of the commonly asked questions about email sandboxing is what is an email sandbox? Like the children’s equivalent, it is a safe space for building, destroying, and experimenting. In cybersecurity terms, it is an isolated environment where harm cannot be caused to anything outside of that environment. An email sandbox is an isolated virtual machine that is used for performing risky actions, such as opening unknown attachments and analyzing files and URLs in depth, rather than using a real machine where there is a risk of harm being caused such as file encryption by ransomware, theft of sensitive information, or wiping of data.

Why is an Email Sandbox Important?

Email is the most common vector used in cyberattacks. Through emails, cyber threat actors can gain initial access to a protected network from where they can steal sensitive data or move laterally for a more comprehensive attack. One of the most common ways of gaining remote access is through malware. Once malware is downloaded, an attacker can remotely perform commands and gain full control of an infected device. While businesses use antivirus software to detect and remove malware, these solutions are signature-based. In order to detect malware, the signature of the malware must be in the definition list used by the anti-virus solution, which means the malware must have previously been encountered. Novel malware variants that have not yet been determined to be malicious will not be identified as such and will therefore be delivered to inboxes where they can be executed by employees. An email sandbox is used to safely detonate suspicious files and inspect their behaviors. The behavioral analysis allows previously unknown malware samples can be identified and blocked. This is important due to the volume of new malware samples that are now being released.

How Does an Email Sandbox Protect Against Malware?

Email security solutions with sandboxing perform the same front-end checks as traditional email security solutions and will identify and block many malicious messages. If the initial checks are passed, and the messages are determined to potentially pose a risk, they will be sent to the sandbox for behavioral analysis. Once inside the safety of the sandbox, the attachments will be opened and subjected to various tests. The sandbox is configured to appear to be a normal endpoint, so any malware will be tricked into running malicious commands as it would if it had reached its intended target. The actions of the file are assessed, and if they are determined to be malicious they will be sent to a quarantine folder. By performing these checks, new malware variants can be identified and blocked before any harm is caused.

Will Sandboxing Delay Message Delivery?

Performing standard checks of messages is a quick process, often causing imperceptible delays in mail delivery. Performing in-depth analysis takes longer, so there will be a delay in message delivery. Many emails will not need to be sent to the sandbox and will be delivered immediately, but if sandboxing is required, there will be a delay while the behaviors of the email and attachments are analyzed. Some malware has built-in anti-analysis capabilities and will delay any malicious processes to combat sandboxing. Time is therefore required to ensure full analysis. With SpamTitan, the delay will be no longer than 20 minutes.

How Can I Avoid Message Delivery Delays?

SpamTitan incorporates artificial intelligence and machine learning capabilities which minimize the number of emails that are sent to the sandbox, and SpamTitan will check every 15 seconds to ensure that emails are delivered as soon as the sandbox analysis is complete. SpamTitan’s sandbox is part of Bitdefender’s Global Protective Network, which ensures rapid checks of suspicious messages. To avoid delays, certain email addresses and domains can be added to a whitelist, which means they will not be sent to the sandbox for analysis, ensuring rapid delivery.

What are the Benefits of Email Sandboxing?

The sandbox provides an important extra layer of protection against malware threats and malicious links. It will detect advanced attacks early and prevent breaches, reduce incident response costs and efforts, reduce the threat-hunting burden, and increase the detection rate of elusive threats in the pre-execution stage, including APTs, targeted attacks, evasion techniques, obfuscated malware, custom malware, ransomware.

How Does the SpamTitan Sandbox Work?

SpamTitan will subject all inbound emails to a battery of front-end tests, and if these are passed but the email is still suspicious, the message and attachment will be sent to the sandbox and the user will be informed that the message is in the sandbox for review. The email and attachments will then be opened in an isolated cloud platform or a secure customer virtual environment. If malware is detected, the email is blocked and assigned ATP.Sandbox and will be listed under “Viruses” in the relevant quarantine report and the intelligence gathered will be used to protect all users from that threat in the future. After twenty minutes of interrogation, if no malicious actions are identified, the file is marked clean and the email is passed onto the recipient.

How Can I Find Out More About Email Security and Sandboxing?

If you have unacceptable numbers of spam and malicious messages being delivered to inboxes, are receiving large numbers of queries about suspicious emails from your employees, or if you have experienced a malware infection via email recently, you should speak with TitanHQ about improving email security with SpamTitan.

SpamTitan has artificial intelligence and machine learning capabilities, a next-gen email sandbox, and a 99.99% detection rate with a very low false positive rate. Further, SpamTitan is very competitively priced, easy to use, and requires little maintenance. The solution is also available on a 100% free trial, with full product support provided for the duration of the trial.

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Email Sandboxing and Message Delivery Delays

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DarkGate Malware Infections Increase via Microsoft Teams Phishing and Malvertising Campaigns

Infections with DarkGate malware have been increasing in recent weeks. DarkGate malware was first identified in 2017 but was only used in limited attacks as the developer chose to use the malware privately against highly specific targets; however, over the summer the malware started being advertised on Russian-language cybercriminal forums and the developer has recruited a limited number of affiliates under the malware-as-a-service model. Reportedly, the developer offered the malware for sale to 10 people for an annual cost of $100,000.

DarkGate malware is written in Delphi and primarily serves as a malware loader, capable of downloading and executing other malware payloads. Typically, the malware payloads are executed in the memory which makes them hard to detect, since no files are written to the disk. The malware can also steal browser histories and Discord tokens and has a Windows Defender exclusion, reverse shell, hidden VNC, and keylogging capabilities.

The malware uses a variety of mechanisms to evade detection, including conducting checks for identifiers used by virtual machines, sandboxes, and anti-virus solutions and will alter its behavior based on the results of the checks, and has persistence mechanisms to ensure it is reloaded on reboot.

The advertising campaign appears to have been successful as distribution of the malware has increased significantly through spamming and phishing campaigns. One of those phishing campaigns uses compromised Office 365 accounts to send phishing messages that deliver DarkGate malware via Microsoft Teams messages.

Researchers at TrueSec identified messages that tricked recipients into clicking a link in the message that directs the or a SharePoint-hosted file called “Changes to the vacation” with the message advising employees that due to circumstances out of the company’s control, vacation time for certain employees has been canceled. The Zip file contains a malicious LNK file which masquerades as a PDF file with the same name as the zip file. Clicking the file will launch a VBScript file that will ultimately lead to the downloading and execution of DarkGate malware. Microsoft has security features to block attacks such as this – Safe Attachments and Safe Links – but neither of these features identified the file or link as malicious.

Other distribution campaigns have been detected in recent months, including a malvertising campaign that uses Google Ads to direct web users to a malicious site where the malware is hosted. The web page used in this campaign offered a legitimate network scanning tool, and while that tool was provided, extra files were bundled with the installation file that executed DarkGate malware.

Businesses are encouraged to defend against attacks through a defense-in-depth approach, involving multiple layers of protection such as an advanced AI-driven spam filtering solution, web filter, and endpoint protection software. Web filters will protect against malvertising campaigns, redirects to malicious websites, and malicious file downloads from the web. The increases in the use of SMS, Teams, and instant messaging services for distributing malicious links means these methods of link distribution should be incorporated into your security awareness training programs.

If you are interested in improving email security, web security, and security awareness training, contact TitanHQ today for more information on SpamTitan, WebTitan, and SafeTitan.

TitanHQ Announces New Partnership with India’s Leading Managed Service Provider

TitanHQ has recently announced a new partnership with one of India’s leading managed service providers, Tata Tele Business Services (TTBS). TTBS is the leading provider of business connectivity and communications solutions in India and has the largest portfolio of ICT services for businesses in the country.

Like many countries, India is facing a major increase in cybercrime. 78% of Indian organizations experienced a ransomware attack in 2021, web-based attacks have jumped sharply, and a 2022 Group-IB study placed India third globally for phishing attacks in 2021 with more attacks than any other country in the Asia-Pacific region. Indian businesses need to ensure that they have the necessary defenses in place to combat increasingly sophisticated cyberattacks, especially attacks that target employees.

Businesses often turn to their managed service providers for cybersecurity and seek solutions that can protect them against malware and phishing. TTBS provides cybersecurity solutions to SMBs and its cybersecurity packages have now been improved with the addition of SpamTitan email security and the WebTitan DNS-based web filter. Both solutions are 100% cloud-based, easy for MSPs to add to their service stacks, and easy to manage.

TTBS provides advanced email security with phishing protection through the Tata Tele Email Security Plus Program, which delivers advanced threat protection for email through TitanHQ’s AI-driven SpamTitan anti-phishing solution. Protection against Internet-based threats is provided through the Tata Tele Smart Internet Program, which includes web filtering provided by WebTitan. WebTitan is fed threat intelligence from a network of 650 million endpoints, ensuring malicious websites are blocked before threats are encountered.

“We are delighted to partner TitanHQ to offer Tata Tele Email Security- an advanced email security solution that is in line with Zero Trust security agenda of enterprises,” said Vishal Rally, Sr. VP & Head – Product, Marketing and Commercial, Tata Teleservices Ltd. “As a leading technology enabler TTBS is committed to simplifying and democratizing email security for businesses of any size. This partnership will ensure the protection of enterprise sensitive data efficiently and cost effectively”.

“We are excited to partner with Tata Teleservices to offer their growing customer base our advanced threat protection layer for email and web security,” said TitanHQ CEO, Ronan Kavanagh. “Over several years Tata Teleservices has excelled in the areas of customer service and security, our partnership further cements this commitment”.

If you are an MSP that has yet to start offering cybersecurity packages to your clients, or if you are keen to improve protection through AI-driven cybersecurity solutions, give the TitanHQ channel team a call to find out more about how TitanHQ can help you better protect your clients and improve your profits.

Email Sandboxing and Message Delivery Delays

Email sandboxing is important for security, as it will block threats that traditional email filters fail to detect. While sandboxing is now considered to be an essential element of email security, one disadvantage is that it will delay the delivery of emails. In this post, we will explain why that is and how email delivery delays can be minimized or avoided altogether.

What Does Queued for Sandbox Mean?

If you use SpamTitan or another email security solution with email sandboxing, you may see the message “email queued for sandbox” from time to time. The queued for sandbox meaning is the message has been determined to warrant further inspection and it has been sent to the sandbox for deeper analysis. This is most likely because the email includes an attachment that is determined to be risky, even though it has passed the initial antivirus scans.

While email sandboxing is important for security, there is a downside, and that is processing messages in a sandbox and conducting behavioral inspection takes a little time. That means there will be a delay in delivering messages that have been sandboxed while behavioral checks are performed. Messages will only be delivered once all sandbox checks have been passed. If a large volume of suspicious emails are received at the same time, messages will be queued for analysis, hence the queued for sandbox message being displayed.

Sandbox Delays for Inbound Emails

The processing of messages in a sandbox can take a little time. Cyber threat actors do not want their malware and malicious code analyzed in a sandbox, as it will allow their malware to be identified. Further, once a malware sample has been identified, details will be shared with all other users of that security solution, which means no user will have that malicious file delivered to their inbox. SpamTitan’s email sandbox is powered by Bitdefender, so all members of the Bitdefender network who subscribe to its feeds will also be protected.

Many malware samples now have anti-sandbox technologies to prevent this. When the malware is dropped on a device it will analyze the environment it is in before launching any malicious actions. If it senses it is in a sandbox it will terminate and may attempt to self-delete to prevent analysis. One technique often seen is delaying any malicious processes for a set time after the payload is delivered. Many sandboxes will only analyze files for a short period, and the delay may be sufficient to trick the sandbox into releasing the file. It is therefore necessary to give the sandbox sufficient time for a full analysis.

Are Your Sandbox Delays Too Long?

Conducting analyses of emails in a sandbox is resource-intensive and can take several minutes and there may be delays to email delivery that are too long for some businesses. There are ways to avoid this, which we will discuss next, but it may be due to the email security solution you are using. The SpamTitan email sandbox is part of Bitdefender’s Global Protective Network, which was chosen not only for cutting-edge threat detection but also the speed of analysis. If you are experiencing long delays receiving emails, you should take advantage of the free trial of SpamTitan to see the difference the solution makes to the speed of email delivery for emails that require sandbox analysis.

How the SpamTitan Sandbox for Email Minimizes Delays

SpamTitan does not send all messages to the sandbox to avoid unnecessary email delays. If a message is suspicious and the decision is taken to send it to the sandbox for analysis, SpamTitan will check to see if the analysis has been completed every 15 seconds to ensure it is released in the shortest possible time frame. Employees will be aware that they have received a message that has been sent to the sandbox as the message delivery status is displayed in their history. Provided all sandbox checks are passed, the email will be delivered. This process will take no longer than 20 minutes. If a file is determined to be legitimate, details are retained by SpamTitan so if the attachment or message is encountered again, it will not be subjected to further analysis in the sandbox.

How to Avoid Sandbox Delays to Message Delivery

There are ways to avoid messages being placed in the queue for sandbox inspection. While it is not always advisable for security reasons, it is possible to whitelist specific email addresses and domains. This will ensure that emails from important clients that need a rapid response will be delivered without delay and will not be sent to the sandbox. The problem with this approach is that if a whitelisted email address or a domain is compromised and used to send malicious messages, they will be delivered.

What Happens if a Message is Misclassified as Malicious?

False positives do occur with spam and phishing emails as email filtering is not an exact science. While this is rare with SpamTitan, any misclassified emails will not be deleted as they will be sent to a quarantine folder. That folder can be configured to be accessible only by an administrator. The administrator can then check the validity of the quarantined messages and release any false positives. Since SpamTitan has artificial intelligence and machine learning capabilities, it will learn from any false positives, thus reducing the false positive rate in the future.

Talk with TitanHQ About Improving Email Security

If you are not currently using an email security solution with sandboxing or if your current email security solution is not AI-driven, contact TitanHQ to find out more about how SpamTitan can improve protection against sophisticated email threats. SpamTitan is available on a free trial to allow you to put the product to the test before deciding on a purchase, and product demonstrations can be arranged on request. If you proceed with a purchase, you will also benefit from TitanHQ’s industry-leading customer service. If you ever have a problem or a query, help is rapidly at hand.

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How Does an Email Sandbox Block Malware?

You may have heard that email sandboxing is an important security feature, but how does an email sandbox block malware and why is this security feature necessary? In this post, we explain what an email sandbox is, why it is now an important element of email security, and how email sandboxes work.

An email sandbox is a secure and isolated environment where emails and their attachments are subjected to behavioral analysis. In the sandbox, malicious files and code can be safely detonated where no harm can be caused. Say an email is received that contains malicious code that is used to drop and execute ransomware on a device. Executing that code on a standard machine would initiate the process that ends with file encryption. Execute that code in an email sandbox and the malicious behavior would be detected and no harm would be caused. The email and code will then be eradicated from the email system, and the threat intelligence gathered will be sent to a global network to ensure that if the email or code is encountered again it will be immediately blocked.

Many Email Security Solutions Fail to Detect the Most Serious Threats

Traditional email security solutions perform many tests on emails to determine the likelihood of them being spam or malicious. DMARC and SPF are used to check the legitimacy of the sender, checks are performed on the reputation of an IP address/domain, and the subject, title, and body of a message are analyzed for signs of phishing and spam. Email attachments are also subject to anti-virus checks, which will identify and block all known malware variants. The result? Filtered emails contain no known spam, no known malicious hyperlinks, and no known malware.

The problem with traditional email security solutions is they are unable to detect unknown spam, phishing attempts, and malware. If a threat actor uses a previously unseen phishing email, which includes either a link to a fresh URL or a site with a good reputation, that email will most likely be delivered. If a new malware variant is sent via email, its signature will not be present in any virus or malware definition list and will similarly be delivered to an end user’s inbox. Threat intelligence is shared with email security solutions and they are constantly updated as new threats are found but there is a lag, during which time these threats will be delivered to inboxes. That is why an email sandbox is needed.

How an Email Sandbox Works

Antivirus scans will block the majority of malware, but not novel (zero-day) malware threats. When an email security solution has email sandboxing, the same checks are initially performed, and if they are passed, emails are sent to the sandbox for further analysis. The email sandbox is an isolated environment on a virtual machine that is configured to look like a genuine endpoint. As far as the threat actor is concerned, their email will have reached their intended target and the file should execute as it would on a standard machine.

In the sandbox, emails and attachments are opened and links are followed and behavior is analyzed in detail to determine if any malicious or suspicious actions occur such as a command-and-control center callbacks, attempted file encryption, or scans for running processes. If a Word document is opened that contains no hyperlinks, no macros, and no malicious scripts, and nothing suspicious occurs in the time it is present in the sandbox, the file will be determined as benign and the email will then be delivered to the intended recipient. If any malicious actions are detected, the file will be sent to a local quarantine directory where it can only be accessed by the administrator. The intelligence gathered will be sent to the global network and all users will be protected almost instantly. All copies of that message and the attachment will also be removed from the entire mail system.

Email Sandboxing and AI-Driven Threat Detection are Now Vital

Email sandboxing is now vital for email security as new malware variants are being released at an incredible rate and signature-based detection methods cannot detect new malware threats. In addition to email sandboxing, artificial intelligence must be leveraged to look for novel phishing messages, as phishing attempts are also increasing in sophistication. These AI-based checks look for messages that deviate from the typical messages received by a company, and greatly reduce the volume of spam and phishing emails that reach inboxes.

The threat landscape is constantly changing so advanced email defenses are now essential. If you are still using an email security solution without email sandboxing and AI-driven threat detection, your company is at risk. Speak to the team at TitanHQ to find out more about SpamTitan and how the award-winning email security solution can enhance your company’s security posture.

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Email Sandboxing and Message Delivery Delays

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