TitanHQ has launched a new version of its SafeTitan security awareness training and phishing simulation platform, which now includes new features for Managed Service Providers (MSPs) to allow them to enhance their security awareness training services.

Security awareness training is now vital due to the increasing number and sophistication of phishing attempts. Even with an advanced anti-phishing solution in place, it is inevitable that some phishing attempts will reach their intended targets, so the workforce needs to be trained on how to recognize and avoid phishing attempts. Companies are increasingly turning to MSPs to provide security awareness training as they lack the time and resources to develop and administer training courses and conduct phishing simulations. By providing training as a service, MSPs can better protect their clients against phishing and reduce support time, while also improving their bottom line.

Two key features added to the platform in the latest release are a multi-lure feature and reactive training for MSPs. When conducting phishing simulations internally, there is a chance that an employee will correctly identify a simulated phishing email and tip off their colleagues. The multi-lure feature of the SafeTitan platform solves this problem by allowing randomized lures to be sent during a simulated phishing campaign.

When this feature is activated, phishing emails will be sent in randomized bursts during working hours to ensure a high level of diversity within a phishing campaign and to maintain the element of surprise. The variety will help to ensure that members of the workforce experience a genuine test of their knowledge to help equip them with the skills they need to identify real phishing attempts.

Another new feature has been added to the MSP layer of the platform to ensure that MSPs can provide enhanced security awareness training. Reactive training is often not available to MSPs, yet it is one of the most effective ways of changing user behavior. Administrators can configure the platform to provide training in response to insecure behaviors by employees in real-time, ensuring timely training is provided to correct a bad behavior at the time when it is most likely to have the greatest impact. SafeTitan captures all data from users’ interactions with simulated phishing emails. If the user responds inappropriately, such as clicking a link or opening an attachment, training can be provided in real time relevant to that insecure action ensuring the employee is made aware of the error and their behavior is corrected.

For the MSP, not only does that help to improve the security awareness of the workforce, it means there is no need for manual assessments, saving MSPs valuable time. Other updates in the latest release include several much-awaited feature requests, including updates to the user experience that make navigating the platform even easier.

If you are an MSP that does not currently offer security awareness training, give the TitanHQ team a call to find out more about the SafeTitan platform. Product demonstrations, including demos of the new features, can be arranged on request.