A malvertising campaign has been identified that targets users looking to download popular software such as Google Chrome and Microsoft Teams and delivers a backdoor malware called Oyster. The threat actor has registered lookalike domains that offer the software to download; however, the installer delivers the backdoor, with PowerShell used for persistence. After the malware is executed, the legitimate software is installed. Since the user gets the software they are expecting, they are unlikely to realize that their device has been infected.

The Oyster backdoor has been linked to the Russian threat group behind the infamous TrickBot Trojan. Once installed, the malware connects with its command-and-control server, gathers information about the host, and allows the threat actors to remotely execute code on the infected device.  According to researchers at Rapid7 who identified the campaign, the threat actor has been observed delivering additional malware payloads on infected devices.

Malvertising is a common method of malware delivery that takes advantage of a lack of security awareness and attentiveness. Threat actors create adverts on legitimate ad networks for popular software solutions and pay to have their ads appear when users search for the software solutions they are impersonating. Just because an advert appears at the top of the search engine listings on Google or Bing it does not mean that the advert is legitimate. Clicking the link will direct the user to a site that is a carbon copy of the legitimate website that it spoofs, where they can download the software installer. These campaigns can be identified by the domain, which should be carefully checked to make sure it is the website of the official software provider.

Typosquatting is also commonly used, where threat actors register almost identical domains to the company they are impersonating. The domains usually have a transposed or missing letter. If the domain is not carefully checked, the user is unlikely to realize they are not on the official website. Threat actors use black hat search engine optimization techniques to get the websites to appear high up in the search engine listings.

By targeting software downloads, where the user is expecting to download an installer, the threat actor does not need to convince the user to execute the malicious file. If they fail to identify the scam before downloading the installer, their device is highly likely to be infected. Security awareness training should cover the methods used by threat actors to distribute malware over the Internet and should condition employees to always carefully check the domain to make sure it is the legitimate vendor’s website. Rather than develop a security awareness training program from scratch, businesses should consider using a vendor that can provide a comprehensive training platform that is constantly updated with new training content covering new attack methods and scams. A security awareness training program should run continuously, to build awareness, teach security best practices, and ensure that employees are constantly reminded of the importance of security.

In addition to training, technical measures should be implemented. A web filter should be used to prevent access to known malicious web pages and block downloads of executable files from the Internet, with policies implemented that require any software to be provided through or by the IT team. TitanHQ can help to improve your defenses against malware with a suite of cybersecurity solutions, including the SafeTitan security awareness training and phishing simulation platform, the WebTitan web filter to prevent access to malicious websites, SpamTitan email security with sandboxing to block malicious emails, and PhishTitan to improve phishing detection and mediation for businesses that use Microsoft 365.

For more information about these and other cybersecurity solutions from TitanHQ, give the sales team a call. All TitanHQ SaaS solutions are available on a free trial to allow you to test them in your own environment before making a purchase decision, with customer support provided throughout the trial.

Jennifer Marsh

With a background in software engineering, Jennifer Marsh has a passion for hacking and researching the latest cybersecurity trends. Jennifer has contributed to TechCrunch, Microsoft, IBM, Adobe, CloudLinux, and IBM. When Jennifer is not programming for her latest personal development project or researching the latest cybersecurity trends, she spends time fostering Corgis.